Returning the favour

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(Ritchie's pov)
It had been four months since that day. The day everything fell apart. The day his soul was crushed and torn in half. Brandon was nowhere to be found. Ritchie slowly raised the glass of beer to his lips, as even more tears silently poured down his face. What was the point in staying sober? All that ever brought him was a constant, relentless pain. He sat there embracing the silence that threatened to consume him. At this point, he was beyond caring.

Before the guild's downfall, this bar was always filled with his cheerful guild members. Ritchie thought back to all the times Mario and David would start yelling at eachother, over the stupidest things. He briefly chuckled before taking another sip. Sadly, he made the grave mistake of turning around to face the rest of the guildhall in all its glory. There was Kit's seat, which she immediately claimed with such joy, many months ago. Right in the spot infront of him, was where he met Tapio. He was rather simple but always had his heart in the right place.

That wasn't the only thing infront of him. It was the podiums. It was where Ritchie and Brandon always stood during the guild meetings, watching all of the members act completely crazy. His brother always looked at him with an amused smirk on his face; the kind that used to make Ritchie feel safe and content, as if nothing could ever hurt him. However, now the memory brought tears to his eyes, as he stared longingly at the empty podium where is brother once stood. He swiftly spun himself around to face the bar once more, pouring himself another drink.

(Silver's pov)
It had been many weeks since he last saw Ritchie, so he made the choice to pay him a visit on that calm afternoon. Stepping onto the dock, Silver saw David and Mario walking towards the garden and called out to the two.

" What are you doing here?" David asked, causing Mario to stop walking ahead, turning around to face the guild leader.
"I just thought I'd pay Ritchie a visit. Do you know where he is?"
For some reason, the two of them suddenly avoided eye contact with him, causing silence to fall upon the three. That was until Silver cleared his throat and repeated his question.
"He's at the guild hall.....but he won't be in the mood to talk..." Mario muttered so quietly that the others barely heard him.
"Thankyou and what do you mean?"
"You'll see when you get there." David warned him, before turning around and heading towards the garden. Mario followed shortly afterwards.

Silver thought that the interaction with the guild members was rather strange. Deciding to shrug it off, he strolled on over to the guild hall. Placing his hand on the door handle, he suddenly heard desperate sobs coming from inside the building.
He hesitantly pushed the door open and was shocked at what he found.

(Ritchie's pov)
At this point he was lying on the ground, balling his eyes out whilst shaking uncontrollably. He faintly heard footsteps coming closer and closer to him. They continued to get closer, until suddenly they stopped right behind him. Ritchie jumped as he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay. I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."
The soft, gentle nature of the voice calmed him. However, his body continued to tremble. Slowly, the person behind him helped Ritchie to sit up and face them.

(Silver's pov)
He stared in horror at Ritchie. His fellow guild leader was shaking, with tears pouring out of his puffy red eyes. The poor guy couldn't even sit up without Silver's assistance. He sat there staring at the floor, mumbling something inaudible under his breath.
"Please talk to me. I hate seeing you like this buddy..." Ritchie didn't respond to this, instead he attempted to stand up, falling over in the process. Quickly, Silver grabbed him,so he could carry his friend over to one of the seats closest to them.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?! You could've hurt yourself!" Silver yelled and his concerns only grew.
"I.....I-I'm s-so sorry!!!" Ritchie blurted out, holding his face in his hands.

(Ritchie's pov)
All of a sudden, Silver wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close, causing him to widen his eyes in shock.
"You don't have to apologise for anything. I know you're hurting so much, but please just let it all out" he spoke softly, carefully rubbing Ritchie's back in a comforting way. He looked up at his friends face, who was smiling down at him. Then, he let it all out of his system.

(No one's pov)
The two guild leaders sat there: one of them sobbing his heart out and the other hugging him tight. Ritchie's cries echoed about the guildhall, as well as being heard outside. This alerted his guild members, who all gathered around the building.
"Oh my god is Ritchie okay?!" Kit whispered, her voice getting more and more high pitched.
"I'm not sure....." Lukas stated, as he slowly opened the door.
Everyone turned to face Inmo with puzzled looks on all their faces. The tailed wizard pointed inside. All the members spotted that Ritchie wasn't alone. Silver was gently rocking him back and forth and hugging him.
They all smiled at this sight and David told Lukas to close the door.

(Silver's pov)
His eyelids felt heavy as he forced them to open. He noticed that he was still in the Divinus Magia guild hall, with Ritchie asleep in his arms. Though he still clung on to Silver, his friend was no longer sobbing. In fact, he could've sworn that a faint smile could be seen on his face.
"I promise that we'll find Brandon. No matter what it takes."

(Just a little note from me- I hope this was enjoyable and sorry if it's not the best. This is my first time writing like this! So I hope you all enjoyed ^w^)

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