# # _ five .

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of course eimí was taken aback by his father's sudden actions. as it left her mouth opened, trying to process what was happening. what could be the reason for his father to hug her like this? this was the first time she ever felt his father's embrace.

she wasn't able to utter any words, as the words she wanted to say was kept in her mind. mikey, doesn't seem to let go of the little girl, he was scared that if he let her go right now, she might vanish. like the way that nightmare showed him, well fucked that. he is well aware that it's just a simple nightmare and it would happen, it's just like an illusion that his mind created because of tiredness.

but how the fuck does a nightmare felt so real, as if it was giving him a warning? a warning to keep an eye on the little girl, to take care of her more.

well, doesn't matter. right now she's in front of him, not a scratch and is safe and existing. what's happening right now is reality, it's not that scary dream anymore.

after a minute of embracing his daughter, mikey was finally able to calm his self down, he let go of the little girl but was still gripping on her arms gently, making sure that eimí doesn't feel uncomfortable from his grip, and yes she's not yet she felt uncomfortable being around her father. it feels really weird.

"eimí, why are you out of your room at this time of night?" his voice was cold, hearing it made her spine shiver, yet eimí remained her composure and remained a calm expression. she wasn't planning on telling him about the dream she had, his father wouldn't bother to listen to it tho, nor would he care.

even tho her father just hugged her right now that still doesn't give her the reason to be comfortable with him, and to be able to casually tell him about the things that happened in her everyday life. it would be very weird especially when her father isn't like the normal father, that her classmates haves.

removing her arms from his father's grip she then decided to speak, to answer his question "it was so hot inside, so I decided to go outside to cool down" she spoke.

but it's winter, mikey thought.

"eimí,its winter how can you feel hot at this cold time of the month?" he asked. it made the little girl sweat dropped, trying to find a good excuse to make her reason for going out in the middle of the night valid. "never mind that, let's go back to your room" mikey stated.

eimí could only nod as she started walking, his father tailing behind her. up until now she still feel uncomfortable, for the first time her father hugged her, and the first time she even talked to her, tho it's just a moment.

mikey watched his little girl lead the way, he thinks it was cute to see such a small girl walking like an adult, as it somewhat left a small smile on his face. he was contemplating if he should go and carry her, what if she doesn't like it? or maybe he might do a mistake carrying her that would result to her injuries? or what if she starts crying because she's scared of him.

she probably doesn't like her own dad...

at the end, mikey only walked behind her and as soon as she arrive on her room, she turn around to see her father looking at the little angel, sano eimí. "good night, mikey-san" eimí said. finally opening her door and closing it, she left mikey outside with a small smile, it's sad to know that she wasn't able to see that, if she did maybe she'll get less comfortable around him.

"goodnight too, sweetheart" he whispered in front of her door, as he then took his leave and head back to his room.


"ding dong! your uncle haru is coming in! no need for me to ask permission!" sanzu sang, it was early in the morning and all you can hear is sanzu's energetic wild screams. he opened the little girl's room as she saw her still peacefully sleeping.

he was told to wake her up, since she has school to attend, but seeing her cute angelic face like this made him soft. he would feel really guilty if he wake her up, and ruin her sleep. but if he doesn't then she'll be late for school.

so what should he choose?


"nah, let the child get her sleep" he told his self, pulling a chair and placed in near her bed. why study when we're all gonna die anyway was what sanzu thought. little did he know, that takeomi was standing on eimí's door with a belt circling on his hand, he was fuming with anger.

he decided to go check on sanzu, to see if he really was doing his task to wake eimí up, and seeing him chilling and staring at the little girl made his blood boil. takeomi is very strict about studies, especially when it includes eimí in it, and he hates the thought of the little girl getting late just because of his stupid uncle.

without a warning, takeomi slapped sanzu's side with the beld which made him flinch and whince in pain. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU OLD MAN?!" he yelled towards his brother. "I told you to stop, cussing when you're with eimí! and I told you to wake her up, she's gonna be late for school!"

"fuck that school isn't even important!"

"for you"

"it's not important, old man!"

"well for you"

"I said it's not—!"

"shut up! and go call eimí's nanny, so she could prepare" takeomi said as he tapped eimí's shoulder. "no way—"

"say that again when I finally burned, all of your pills, Haruchiyo."

".….., fine!"

sanzu left the room, grumbling profanities. ran and rindou whom he pass by already know what was happening, as they all know why his expression was like that.

he does not like the idea of his pills getting burned...

sanzu, saw eimí's nanny washing the dishes as she bowed "go, help eimí prepare" he coldly stated "yes sir"

as soon as she left, sanzu grabbed a bottle of soda as he then gulped it down, almost choking. he glared at nowhere



"nanny, why do people say fuck when they're annoyed?" eimí asked, her nanny sweat dropped not knowing how to answer her question. takeomi on the side, already know who he should blame for this. "I'll go out now, go downstairs with your ready then kakucho will take you to school" eimí nodded as takeomi left the room.

his heavy footsteps was heard, and he was burning with anger, and irk mark was shown on his face, as he gritted his teeth.

"you're fucking dead, akashi haruchiyo."

that day, sanzu's pills was burned. and he wasn't able to take his daily dose of pills because of that. his pashpash for lifers is ruined for today.


guess who's sleep schedule is ruined? HAHAHA me!!


# #_ His Daughter | manjiro sano. (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now