# # _ seven .

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the day was already ending, and eimí can't wish anything than to go home, he wants to have a peaceful time at home, well she can't really call it peaceful because her uncle haru would probably make it chaotic, it's better than staying in here in this cramped place filled with dumbed and racist people.

she did said that she's used to their bullying, but she never said that she doesn't get annoyed by their bullying. have I ever said that she beat up one of his bullies one time?

no one ever knew about it, the little girl made sure that he'll never speak up or not only those kind of injuries he'll get next time. that time the little girl can no longer stay silent, and the fact that, that boy ruined her pencil case made her more mad. the pencil case was brought by haruchiyo, tho the design is weird it got some pattern of Marijuana, but oh well the little girl isn't aware about that.

after how she beat up the boy, the next morning she just heard that he transfered school.

well, good for him she guessed. at least she learned her lesson.

"okay children, bid your goodbyes to your friends now! your parents are waiting for you outside" the teacher yelled, students then told each other goodbyes, hugging them as if it's their last time being alive on earth, which just made the little girl roll her eyes in secret. packing her bags properly making sure that she didn't forgot anything, she then started walking out of the class.

some students giving her disgusted look, which she just ignored. she couldn't care less.

there are just stupid people who dislikes someone for even the stupidest reason they could ever find. those stupid person might just be one of your friend, who's waiting for you to make a mistake big or small, if it's small then they're gonna make it a big deal and if it's big then they're gonna make it bigger. bunch'a pick me person if I must say.

if she could only decide what to do with those kind of person, then she'll do the thing her uncle sanzu loves the most.

slaughtering the scraps.

eimí literally need to stay away from this uncle of him, or she's also gonna turn into someone like him. I wouldn't wish for anything but for her to be innocent and kind till she grows up, but oh well Haruchiyo is already being a bad influence.

with her hands wrap around the strap of her bag, eimí walked with her head down tired of all the stuffs that happened earlier and wanting to roll on her bed already.

as she was walking, a voice calling for her name caught her attention. not caring about it, she continued walking completely ignoring the person, she does not intend on giving people attention when they don't even deserve one on the first place.

the kid was annoyed of course, for an attention seeker like them, then yes they'll be really annoyed.

without hesitation the boy grabbed eimí 's bag that was placed on her bag causing her to stop walking "how dare you ignore me–"

"how dare you pull me"

the little girls voice sounded dark, she was mad "is that how your parents thought you about manners?" she asked slowly facing the boy "they must be nothing but low people, that are bound to be thrown in the trash sooner or later then" the kid flinched hearing what she said.

little eimí can barely hold her anger, she looks like a whole different person "if you wish to step higher on the ground, then learn to choose the people you're gonna mess with"

"don't go pulling someone, you barely even know. you don't know what are the things they could've do to you..." her eyes never left his, and it's making the kid feel more scared, her intimidating expression made her shiver. "I'll give you a hint about it.... it's worst than death, well then if you dislike the idea of experiencing pain that is worst than death, then you better be running to your mother and hiding inside her skirt now"

without hesitation the boy run away, who would've thought that he'd almost piss his pants just because of those words, he's such a coward.

but that wasn't the end, the boy came running back to her with her mother beside him, she wore an annoyed expression as she stared at eimí who doesn't look even intimidated, she look dumb trying to look intimidating. "is this her?"

"y-yeah, she hurt me right here!" he pointed his cheeks. oh my lord, what a great actor, you might get an award for that little kid. "didn't your parents thought you manners? because I don't they–" but before she could even finish her sentence eimí already interrupted her.

"didn't you thought your kid one? because I can't see a little bit of it" for a little kid, she sure knows how to throw comebacks to people. "oh wow it is really obvious that they don't"

"it is also obvious that you don't teach your son manners at all too ma'am, and... you yourself don't have one"

"who in their right mind would go telling that to a kid?" she whispered "not you I guess?" a sly smirk appeared on her face fingers placed on her chin as she acted that she's thinking something, she looks like a villainess from a manhwa and if must say she looks really cool that way.

the woman was mad, as she was about to slap the eimí a hand already grabbed her wrist stopping her from doing so. "ma'am, this is considered as child abuse, I wouldn't hesitate to report this to the principal" a guy with a burn scar on his face and blonde hair said. his emerald droopy eyes stared at the lady, sending shivers down her spine.

at the end she grabbed her kids hand and left the scene. eimí stared at the man in front of him, as he tried to match her small height "are you okay?"

"very much so, thank you for your help"

"you're welcome, it's not good leaving a kid getting slapped by a grown up after all" he said. "is your parents–" a blood splatter hit his face, followed by the little girl falling on the ground.

it took a moment for him to realize that the little girl got shot on the chest for three times. (yeah the iconic three shot, tumba agad, de joke lang)

his eyes then wondered around the place trying to find who the fuck just shot an innocent kid. he spotted a man wearing a black clothes about to leave the place, he wanted to chase him but he could not leave the kid in front of him.

"CALL THE AMBULANCE! QUICKLY!" he yelled to the people around him, another person called for the principal as he carried the girl, not caring about how her blood would stain his clothes, right now a kids life is about to go to waste.


"yeah, so we have to–" mikey got interrupted when his secretary slammed the door without knocking, she was trying to catch her breath as mikey gave her a cold stare "I'm sorry for the interruption sir, but the principal from the ms. eimí called" she handed him the phone as mikey took it from her.

placing the phone on his ear mikey then proceeded to talk "yes, what is it?" he asked. "I'm sorry to interrup you if ever your doing something important Mr. sano, but.... your daughter" hearing that word, mikey already thought that something bad had happened to her as he started trembling.

"got shot" his blacked colored eyes widened.



this is longer than I thought, HAHAHAHA!


# #_ His Daughter | manjiro sano. (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now