VI: Working shifts with Loader; A first day mayhem at Hero C 1-A.

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Izuku's POV:

A couple of weeks have passed after that crazy ass entrance exam, which both me and Himiko could only agree that Galian's actual body was full of a psycho mindset to program such dangerous robots for the entrance exams. I couldn't deny that being heroes was tough... But that almost took a life of a girl if it wasn't because of her...

Those two she summoned and also her very own presence, there was no doubt that she was none other than a descendant of Sparda... More specifically Nero, grandson of the mentioned, obvious that his wife was Kyrie herself... But that didn't confirm to me that he was or either alive or dead, on the contrary, it gave me only more questions.

Her powers were low in comparison to a normal hybrid, which I can tell it's thanks due to the majority of human DNA in her blood, but with enough trainer she could really be a helpful demon hunter like once her grandfather and great gramps if she were to unlock a Devil Trigger successfully.

. . . Why do I know of the Devil Trigger, may you ask?

Well, once before when my dad trained me, he once used to tell me stories of Tony Redgrave (Dante) and how him and his brother Vergil were able to unlock the magnificent demonic powers within themselves, also freeing up the inner demons in them with the astonishing Sin Devil Trigger, becoming as dangerous as a demon lord that just born... Not to deny they were already powerful to defy Mundus and more.

Nero was also capable of unlocking his Devil Trigger after both his uncle and father faded into the underworld, but there was no record that told something about him waking up his own Sin DT, after all, demons became less common after that affair in Redgrave centuries ago.

I know that Demons have longer lifespan than a human, but Nero was a Quarter Demon, which means that he wouldn't have lived for that many years as a full fledged demon would, not to say that Kyrie, thanks to being human, was first to abandon the living realm.

. . . But scratching out that and returning to the main point.

After the exam ended, Galian allowed me and Himiko to leave the school to continue our work at the Devil's Cove, not of course before eavesdropping the fact that Midnight would come for a pleasant dinner with us... despite knowing our vigilante status.

But other than that it was pleasant to know that we weren't bothered by those guys anymore... but as good things came, also more annoying pests came to the light for us.

Not only the fact that we had to deal with multiple swarms of demons every night of patrol, and most of the demons weren't just easy lesser types such as the Queen Empusa... But also because it seems our 'Fame' triggered the higher tier pros to get under our feet.

Mirko was one of them and boy! *Chuckles* YOU DON'T WANT to mess with her!

Not for nothing she was the top sixth hero in Japan and also the strongest heroine around the country. Her quirk, Bunny, was seemingly cute... But trust me, One kick from her abnormally strong legs without protection and say goodbye to your career. Just blocking it with Asi pushed me like seven meters back at a wall with a loud thud, not to say my arms were sore for like two weeks yet not broken enough to disturb my career.

Yeah, you could say getting rid of her was easy, but a top pro was a top thanks to their disturbing yet admirable persistence to pursue, not getting them lost of your sight until we basically had to do the cartoonish hiding spot while basically holding our breath until she faded away long enough for us to retreat silently and run, and it was the challenge of a lifetime as thanks to her quirk and training... the smallest sound was enough to catch us, but what I did learn from what I saw sometimes from Edgeshot it's that your best friend in critical cases it's silence, silent as the wind that carries and circles around.

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