IX: Hero test success; Sparda vs Bourghdent

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UA Academy - Ground Beta

Izuku's Pov:

*Deep sigh* Great... Absolutely great!

After what I've just told to the crew of students in front of me, now all of them are quite wary of me, thanks for nothing you big doofus! *Sighs* Aizawa was right, you kind of suck at teaching dude.

Even if I admire your talent, to make me, a professional, fight newbies in the making was clearly the worst idea you could think of, more because I can sense that most of the students became scared... And I say most because It's clear that three of them were thinking differently.

First of all, little Kachan. He sure got himself inspired for this one, as I can tell by his emotion that he was eager to start this, more because I saw him get excited the moment Kyrie was mentioned as his enemy... I won't deny your strong Katsuki, but Kyrie won't be easy to move, more if we get the deal that she's carrying a Red Queen copy that could surely pack a punch.

Of course I've noticed it was sharpless, I know Power loader wouldn't admit a full sharp blade in between the trainings for preventing some blood stains on the walls, but I personally wouldn't want to faze her if I was human, because I can tell she was strong enough to wield it just like her father in his younger days.

And talking about her, I've got the clear idea that she became careful the moment I became an obstacle on this test, I can sense both her Gladius and Basilisk eager to participate against me... They surely wanted to get a bite on me, but I won't be an easy one... More because those two are nothing compared to a Queen Empusa or similar.

And for last that kid, Todoroki...

[Deep breathe]... F*ck!!!

In all the kinds of situations, did I SERIOUSLY HAVE to teach that mother-*'s son!? Please tell me he doesn't have the same type of ideals as that bastard or I'll surely wouldn't mind scorching the guy up! But no! you are a teacher of UA and trying to murder your student is strictly forbidden, so now I have to control myself to not ask for tips to get to his father... But looking at him I can tell he's hundreds of times more relaxed, so I thank kami that he is like that.

After a brief talk with mister no. 1 here, we've got ourselves inside a room full of monitors and cameras, which in all honesty made me think that this place wasn't completely safe for secret meet outs, which I don't have of course, but well... Best knowing that.

After some more talking, it was time for me to retire, as All Might gave me the call, making me go to my spot, which I think I'll have a better view of my environment there... Well, this is going to be interesting indeed.

End Izuku's pov


Kyrie's POV

Well, this is going to be interesting indeed.

After muscle man talked about the test, I was told to wait here with Ponytail, this as I saw how Sonic's cousin and the Pomeranian muslim to retire first after Jadious sensei left the place, which talking about it... This sure it's going to be difficult.

I know how strong he is, I can feel it with my demonic aura... He sure it's going to be a challenge to defeat, so I would prefer to not get him into my sight so soon for now, but I rather get the Muslim first, he seems tamable enough.

But I'm more worried about here miss fancy ponytail, I know she has a powerful quirk and all... but I can tell she has zero to none experience in combat, she can create things to aid herself yeah... But I don't think she has the knowledge for close combat as much as I do, so I might as well do something about it.

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