XI: Rescue class, LOV Assaults... The First Demonic Encounter

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Musutafu City (UA Academy) - Morning

Izuku's POV:

Well... what a day was yesterday indeed.

I've never thought that Gilgamesh and some other lesser demons would basically raid UA singularly to get me and Kyrie down, not to say that it seems that we have also gotten the attention and the clear interest of a villain to cause havoc.

I can clearly think that this villain that's now aiming to attack us has some sort of connection with none other than All For One, nemesis of All Might and the most dangerous villain in earth... Me and my dad held the hunch that the bastard didn't die that day when the two fought at last, not to say that Tsubasa, that medic that once studied my "Quirkless behaviour" it's also a member of his cult... It only meant one clear thing for me.

All For One it's still alive, and now that he knows that All Might it's back and weakened, he seems to have found this as a perfect moment to start his spider web towards global control.

I can tell from what I saw from that ash-blue haired man that infiltrated UA... that he is now the new "Pawn of evil" of AFO, I just hope this bastard doesn't dare to strike upon my students or else he will suffer the fury of Urizen right upon his buttwhole and soul.

But well, discarding that, today was going to be a day full of activity as Nedzu contacted me to make a clear announcement of what will be today's activity for both me and Himiko... Activity that took us both a bit surprised.

The USJ... or more specifically the Unforeseen Simulation Jolt, because for some damm reason it sounds the same like Universal Studios Japan, place Himiko is clearly eager to visit someday with me... but scratching that aside once again! This installation from UA it's a large building placed a couple of miles away from UA as a large test field of many kinds of city disasters such as a Storm, a Fire, a yanked boat, an earthquake aftermath, you get the idea...

I have no utter form to comprehend how Galian managed to get such installation built that way and since when, but taking count that UA has formed most of the most notorious and powerful pro heroes in Japan sure gave him some credit... And even so I think of it as exaggerated.

But putting that aside, it seems we are invited to go into the installations as safety measures, as it's clear for Galian as how it was for me that said villain didn't just provoked that "break in" for fun, so both me and Himiko agreed to assist in case it was necessary...

But there was one thing that both me and Himiko weren't exactly happy about, and that was that the pros that will come with the respective classes, both mine and Himiko's, are going to have an special activity there, Rescue missions... In all honesty this was fair, as all heroes at least need to know how to save the lives of the citizen when the given opportunity appears, but other than that it seemed for both of us that getting both classes connected into one activity was way too much work for just four pros... More because I know some youngsters tend to be quite energetic in this kind of cases, more if I know Katsuki it's going to be in this class.

But there is another thing I'm getting concerned of...


It's not an odd thing for me to know that Gilgamesh didn't appear appeared in UA just to ambush me and Kyrie... That last message he gave me meant something clear... Him and the other Devil Arms of Redgrave are as free and ready to assault us as how Mundus is, in other words... Mundus was after us, and he has also started his movements.

There was no doubt about that, neither a hesitance of me to notice said message. I am now the next target of Mundus, and this meant clearly that he might had captured Dante and Vergil altogether in hell that day... Same for Kyrie as the only direct descendant of Sparda found for the moment, because it's clear that Nero's location it's a mystery even for them as it is for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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