Stolen Cape

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I'm just honestly writing from my head, this "idea" came from a photo i saw on Google, I don't have the credits for the artist who drew it but I know it wasn't me, um its not gonna go exactly as the comic is but yeah oh and if there are any writing mistakes please tell me in a nice manner or something also this is my first one shot book so tell me how it goes also I'm gonna call techno's cape a coat sometimes because that's the way i am so
(This will happen when i speak)
{These mean someone's thoughts}

Third Pov-
Technoblade had just gotten back to his cozy cottage, after exploring a woodland mansion,getting more supplies, and mining.He had gotten home and started feeding all his dogs,foxes,polar bears, and of course Steve.After a while of petting all of them he had gone down to his basement to trade with villagers.

Meanwhile(at the time techno was like halfway there)
Ranboo, who was currently staying with the two anarchist, was just chilling, since he had gone mining the previous day until the sun had rose again, but despite being tired could not for the life of him, fall asleep so he had just decided to chill in his house.

Soon after it had gotten colder and unfortunately(damn that's a long word to spell) for him, he had very little warm clothing and was wearing his usual suit.To say the least he was freezing even with his Enderman genes.( i think since Enderman teleport everywhere the would be able to handle extreme temperatures to an extent but since ranboo be half his toleration to it is as half as strong so.)He decided to go to techno's house since the house had a fire in it for him to warm himself with.Besides he was exploring a woodland mansion so what's the worst that could happen(oh you wish you knew ranboo-also this about the time where techno was at least a hundred blocks away).

Once Ranboo had arrived since it was a short walk he went inside, instantly being overwhelmed with warmth he wished his house had. He quickly got in, sitting next to Steve and Edward. As soon as he did he contemplated whether he should even be in the Blood God's house since he had his own house but also because he don't want to be kicked out because he had overstepped boundaries.Getting up with dread he had only now realized that there was something red on a chest deciding to check it out he had realized it was techno's spare cape he leaves in his house(it was his most intact coat because you know wars and all that). Realizing this he had new questions in his head-{i wonder if it's comfortable, how warm is it,what is made out of-..... I wonder what if feels like when he wears it}with these questions came ideas and soon enough he looked around to make sure nobody else was around and slowly slipped the cape on..


Techno was currently trading but was annoyed at how loud chat had been, deciding it was enough decided to see what they were even saying (currently listening to music and vining to I can't handle change by roar since it came on -ANYWAYS).  Only now had he realized the were screaming to go upstairs, GO CHECK RANBOO, and things like that.
Voices here---------->

Getting concerned about the Enderman hybrid in question since thats all they were talking about (aside from the occasional E)he decided  to go up the ladder only to be surprised by the sight he saw, there laying on Steve was a sleeping ranboo huddled in his cape(since you know he hadn't gotten sleep for two days including this day). Even while being astonished by the sight he decided to let the boy sleep, noticing the bags under his eyes.He want to his respectful bed after putting the kid somewhere more comfortable, but left the cape on him.

The next morning(yes I know pretty long oneshot)
Ranboo Pov-
After waking up I took my surroundings only, now noticing i wasn't in my house.{how did i get here?,where am I?,......Oh that's right i came to techno's cottage last night}. After looking around a while somebody spoke up
Third Pov-(again)
"Good morning,kid.", A monotone voice said. Ranboo who was completely awake remembered all of yesterday and immediately stood up, and was about take off the coat while saying "Oh, I'm sorry, here you can have your cape back, I'm sorry again, uh please d-don't kick me out, i-i'll lea-" but was stopped by techno who had also got up"it's fine kid just sit down I'm not gonna kick you out.",after sitting down they sat in silence but it was soon broken by ranboo,"so you're not gonna kick me out?",
"No I'm not kicking you out"
"So does that mean you're okay with being in your house?"
"Yes, I'm fine with it, but why were you in here in the first place?",questioned the now confused techno who honestly had no clue why the teenager was in his house and wearing his cape; to this Ranboo answered truthfully explaining everything but the cape part since he was quite embarrassed he was caught...

"So then, why are you wearing my cape?". Ranboo got embarrassed even more and put his head down due to the flushing of a dark grey blush across his cheeks(from the embarrassment, for any weirdos reading this, ahem anyways-). Ranboo slightly mumbled the rest of the story, "heh?" Techno questioned because he couldn't hear but since Ranboo had noticed ,huffed and said, "Be-because  I saw i-it on you ch-chests and....wanted to try it on because it looked really comfortable...".

Techno then decided to tell ranboo it was okay and that calmed ranboo's nerves, after that,they decided to drink hot chocolate and relax in the cottage, due to the storm raging on, but the two had grown a little closer as friends..

960 words
So i am in school so try not to expect a constant update time but also i am doing this for fun also if you guys(if there is any) want you can request something by either commenting here
Or personally asking me by the way i don't mind whatever pronouns you guys decide to call me also send some fanart and I'll maybe either make it into a oneshot and use it as the chapter picture or just use the picture bye bye!

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