Little headcannons

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This is all in my brain and is used in some of my stories, it might have spoilers
Ranboo and Karl usually forget mostly everyone's pronouns so Karl calls them they/them while Ranboo either does the same or says their pronouns in a questioning tone, (they usually get it right..)
When Ranboo gets mad there is always a small glint of purple in their eyes unless they're really mad which makes them completely purple.
When any of the members are half mobs or hybrids like Ranboo or Puffy per say when they hiccup it sounds like whatever mob they are. Puffy's for example sounds like a mix between a sheep and a hiccup.
When they name their armor, shields, or weapons it's like it's been carved into the item. By the owners of course like Techno's sword called "Orphan Obliterator"
Dream's natural hair color is white but in the dsmp, he dyes it because it reminds him of his mom, Puffy.
I like the idea that Ranboos other side is either an iron golem or a different type of enderman called the "Farlander Enderman"
Go ahead look it up.
I like the golem because their skin is white, they have red eyes but also because they protect the villagers, not the village itself. Other than that maybe their white side explains why they didn't have the other two lives but that's another theory
Puffy's, Schlatt's, and Tubbo's hair gets slightly fluffier during winter since it's colder although after moving to snowchester it stays that way
Ranboo loves talking to literally anyone about their common interests. Since Ranboo likes jewels and jewelry they frequently talk to Techno or Eret about it. They will always talk to endermen about all their interests.
Most, if not all the members can like disband into whatever their chat is called like Phil, can disband into a murder of crows but Techno cannot disband into voices.
Phil, Techno, and Ranboo have old antique stuff since they've either lived for a long time or wander the smp collecting stuff.
If the minors are ever together they do really dangerous stuff like scaling really f**king tall mountains.

Slime/Charlie is good at mimicking or impersonating someone after watching the smp for a long, long time.
Puffy has underlying guilt because she thinks how Dream turned out to be was her fault as well as Foolish's death in the Red Banquet.
Most of the members have hearing difficulties due to all the explosions in the war. Tubbo has the worst of it because he also got blown up by a loud firework as well.
When Phil is angry or has negative emotions towards anyone the crows turn hostile against them too.
Ranboo needs glasses to see when they're in light because enderman are more nocturnal. Their vision is better at night and they have night vision.
Everyone on the smp has a calming space, whether they admit it or not.
E.g Phil's is on a tall tree not far away from his house to hang out with his crows.
Purpled, Ranboo, Foolish, and Phil can read the language from enchantment tables, while only purpled and foolish can speak it they can also write it though Ranboo struggles remembering what each letter looks like sometimes.
Ranboo has a book that's like a photo album but in words. It's called Memories and contains the best moments of their life. It doesn't contain any important memories like the memory book just the ones that make them happy.
Eret is the best with hair and clothing. They're the expert when it comes to styling hair and she can make clothing. He helped beeduo make clothing for Michael too.
Tubbo is buff in both my stories. He likes to throw Michael in the air sometimes and it scares the living sh*t out of ranboo.
Anyone in the smp who has been in a relationship and it didn't work out sometimes envies the beeduo's successful marriage. Quackity is one of them.
For anyone who doesn't know sapnap is a blaze hybrid, when they go into the nether with him, he likes to "accidentally" fall into the lava to scare them. Fun fact he did it to both Karl and quality, and they were not impressed.
Tommy once pushed Ranboo in water when he didn't have armor on. When Ranboo came out and was literally letting off steam, Tommy apologized and never did it again. Ranboo later explained why they burned in the first place.
Ranboo teleports out of stress sometimes but never remembers doing it.

Eret is good with all animals like some fairy tale princess. Even if some animals attack that's just in their nature.

Sam gets tense around Antfrost since he's a creeper and antfrost is a cat.

I hope you guys are satisfied with this, I wanted to write something for this story too. I got the inspiration for this after seeing a lot of videos pop up on YouTube about their hc's. No, I didn't copy any of theirs, these are all my head cannons and if someone else has them that's fine but I didn't copy them. I felt the need to say that just in case.
Have a good day or night, Goodbye!
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