Crown Crew

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Just a short filler if anyone was reading this and wanted a story, and Beware the chapter is really long...

Third Pov-
Eret, Techno, Sam, and Ranboo were to meet up at a random location which had a big Cabin with two stories and a backyard forest per Ranboo's request and since they all like him and are comfortable with him, they decided to come.

Currently Ranboo was putting little pillows at each seat which he had sewed himself with specific colors for each pillow,
Techno's being a pink middle fading into a Blood Red and a black Wither rose sewn in,a sword facing vertical straight in the middle plus a crow in the background with golden and white tassels.
Eret's were the Bi flag colors fading into each other and a different pastel colored flower for each separate color with pride flag based and golden tassels.
Sam's were a light green middle fading into a dark green with red roses sewn in and black and golden tassels
Ranboo's were half black and white fading into each other facing a vertical angle with dark purple alliums sewn in, and golden and gray tassels(the picture on each one is on one side of the pillow and has a different small jewel in the middle of the pillow on the side with the photo but only that side.)

When they finish putting each pillow down Eret walks in,seeing as he lives the closest."Ranboo I'm here!, where are y- oh!, What are you doing, do you need any help"?(Your new Boyfriend, literally started play as soon as I finished writing that)
"Oh-uh yes please, I'm just finishing up the table, all i have to do is get the food though would you mind helping me with that though"?

"Uh-yeah sure", they both went into the other room to get the food that the Enderman had prepared minutes before. While this was happening Eret also helped ranboi putting specific letters onto each pillow, except ranboo's since he was hosting the event and still Eret had no clue who was coming until he accidentally glanced at them while they were in his hand, looking for his
{Sam, Technoblade mi- wait Techno!?!, Doesn't ranboo know that Sam will most likely try imprisoning him if he came}. Eret put the letters on each specific pillow with their gift box deciding to ask him after they had finished setting up
Time skip to after they finished

"Um ranboo" "yes" "why did you decide to in invite BOTH Techno and Sam, you know that Sam would likely try imprisoning techno, right"? Realizing this ranboo's smile flipped into a frown ☹️ "oh.....i guess i forgot about that.. but it doesn't matter I'll stop them for this event since neither would make me sad, right"!

Eret didn't want to dishearten the teen so just sighed and ended up bringing a new conversation up to distract him and the enderboi

A few minutes passed and Techno had entered, instantly seeing the one who sent the invitation to him."halloo". Ranboo instantly got and hugged the man, before quickly moving back apologizing a little and escorting him to his seat and as soon as that happens Sam entered and techno grabbed his trident. When Sam had noticed the piglin-hybrid held his sword and shield

"Sam" "Techno." They were about to rush towards each other had it not been for ranboo coming in between, "wait! Um i'm sorry but please don't fight i wanted to have an event with you guys for a reason that's what the surprise was!"

Bother of them stood confused until Eret spoke up for Ranboo"they mean that, they gathered us for a reason, now come sit down at your seat and eat.
during the meal

"Why did you gather us here ranboo anyway"? "Oh um first take the gift and letter off the pillow first". After they had followed the kids instructions while he was quite literally giggling like child, they each saw the pillow.(I know Eret had seen them earlier but just pretend he didn't pay that close attention to details). They each were met with a different surprise, each being enlightened a little more. "I sewed them myself, for you guys specifically, do-do you guys like them"?  Each one of them said yes and started saying what they specifically liked while admiring them, ranboo had amazing hearing so he could each of them just fine because they also had different voices at least to him and it made fill up with joy. 

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