Dear Ranboo

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The day I met you, I thought you were weird and odd. Then I found out you held no grudge against me despite being a citizen of l'manberg and member of the Butcher Army but I guess that was from peer pressure.

I remember though, that when you guys came for me, you never charged at me like them. Whether it was because you were scared or you didn't want to fight in general, maybe both.

Afterwards Phil told me it was probably because you just don't hold grudges towards people or in his words, "mate it's probably because he has passive personality to basically everyone and wants to be on everyone's good side."
I got used to you being around, and now you're gone but this time it's harder to go on my adventures, without thinking of asking you if you'd want to go, or trying to check on you in your house to make sure you're not enderwalking. You didn't betray me before you left and now it actually hurts to get over you leaving.

don't understand why anyone would want to be in the prison, especially you but i sincerely wish you don't dwell much on any regrets you have for this decision.
Goodbye, my friend.
Hey mate, I hope you're doing well, I thought I'd catch you up on a few things.
First of all, we locked the door and windows to your house, since you're in prison.
Secondly, i don't think Tubbo or Tommy are happy with your decision, or any of us for that matter. But i guess that's only because Sam won't tell us why you're locked up, except that you came to him.
Sam told us that you'll probably be there until you deem it unnecessary. please stay safe and healthy, everyone's asked Sam to give you nice food.
Bye mate, for now
Hey, I was gonna tell you that we were fine and that it's going to be fine but i miss you and so does Michael, he won't stop calling for you crying for you, "Boo" is all he says beside calling for me.
[Erased] may act like he doesn't like you but now he has an allium in his inventory almost all the time.
I don't know how everyone else is doing other than Eret since he visits from time to check on me and Michael. Phil came once to chat, he actually told me how everyone was taking it but I wasn't listening.
I wish I knew where you left your Memory book so I could know why but even then I don't want to invade your privacy.
For now goodbye, my Beloved
I'm guessing [Redacted] probably told you about the allium in my inventory, but it reminds me of you. I check on Tubbo a lot but I don't think he notices. Did he tell you how tired he is, looks dead to me but he's having a struggle with Michael crying for you.
Today I'm going to pick up Michael to play with [Removed], so Tubbo can grief for you alone without worrying.
See you later, big man.
I look at the pedestal pillow a lot, it reminds me of you when you smiled as you gave it to us.
I'm getting used to you being gone, because I feel as you wouldn't want us mourning for the rest of our lives until you're out.
I've been telling everyone to do the same and some are going to Puffy to talk about how they are doing. I still worry for Tubbo but me and [Removed] are taking Michael out of the house, so he can mourn properly.
Goodbye for now, Ranboo
I don't understand why Sam agreed to put you in, and I'm worried for you, Sam has to watch over Dream, and I wonder if he ever forgets to check on you.
I know my son and the the things he's done to everyone, especially you kids, and I'm afraid he'll try hurting you while you're near him.
Sam won't let anyone in so we can't check on you but I feel as if that was you're request since you probably wouldn't want anyone coming in to question you, right?
This is goodbye for now, Ranboo
I'm not letting anyone visit you per your request, and Puffy ended up yelling at me. I'm writing this because I have to watch Dream so I can't chat with you. I'll send a letter hopefully every week so with a report on how your friends are doing so far.
I'll talk to you later, Ranboo
768 words
This an alternate AU if Ranboo begged Sam one more time and he said yes. You guys can guess who wrote each letter but I think you already know. Michael didn't write because in this he's basically 3-4 yrs old. All the letters start with "Dear Ranboo," so that's why it's the title name.
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