Little HC's Pt. 2

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I like this so I'll keep it going for a little while. Might have spoilers
Enderman don't have names so when Ranboo mispronounced the word rainbow the first time they tried saying it they kept it as their name.

Ranboo decided that Michael's birthday is on valentines day after they took him home that day. Tubbo agreed with them.
Michael has sticker books on his bookshelf along with storybooks

Phil is that dad who only knows how to cook basic things like pancakes and mashed potatoes. He does also know how to make tea though. Techno mostly makes the food out of the two.
Fundy as a kit pounced on people a lot as an actual fox would.
Fundy likes getting his paws massaged when he's stressed, especially his paw beans.

Techno got his crown from a town that he saved from their corrupted government as a gift.
At random moments, Ranboo will physically touch people to know they're real after the "dream voice" came.
Techno loves rain since he was born in the rain where it was only fire and lava.
Out of the syndicate, Niki is the most stealthy. She isn't abnormally tall, very muscular, or have any large extra limbs, making it easier.
Techno gives gifts a lot. He knows how to make jewelry making it his most known gift. His gift to Phil we're matching friendship emerald earrings.
On one of his birthdays, Michael was given a crown, that looked like it had horns a miniature size of Ranboo's and Tubbo's horns.
The Syndicate have matching capes that have a logo that symbolizes them starting with Techno's, to Techno's and Phil's, to Emerald duo's and Niki's, to all theirs plus Ranboo's.
(I'll explain in comments)
Ranboo's sides aren't split just halfway down the middle straight but kinda like splotches of white and wavy(?).
Techno can't sleep from the voices but doesn't really mind unless it gets really unbearable.
As a very old man, Phil knows really, really old languages, therefore, knowing enderian.
As passive mobs, enderman don't eat much or exercise, therefore it being in their genes to look weaker than they are.
Ranboo's extra enderman traits(tail and long horns) come from the older enderman with green eyes.
Techno's "human GPS" is actually a trait from being a piglin hybrid.

These are head cannons that I wanted to get out for a while. I can't lie I recently was reading other stories and procrastinating my story. I think the last ten I worked on the chapter was 2 weeks ago for me. For now, I thought I'd write for this one since I wrote this at 3 am. This one was a bit more focused on the borealtrio since that is technically the topic of the book. Off of the stories, what did you guys think about the recent lore with the "Revengers". I liked it a lot though ghostboo just being in that window kinda spooked me a bit. Anyways, have a good day or night, and Goodbye!

527 total words

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