Chapter Two

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[Dylen's POV]

As soon as I heard the words from Sav 'I can go', I freaked out! Summer with my bestie and a mission to find the Janoskians, especially Jai! And maybe earn a bit of money - this was gonna be one epic summer! I grabbed my suitcase and set up Skype whilst i packed, 

'gurrl! What you wearing on the plane?' 

'Sweats probs, you?' 

'Yeah same!' 

I continued packing and discussing with her what we were going to wear, well come on a girl can never decide what to wear especially for two months solid! 

A few days later my tickets arrived and i was sitting in a Black Range Rover at 6am on route to pick up Sav! I sent her a text: 

'I'm outside, get yo butt out here and lets go' 

i giggled at my message and wrapped my blanket around me it was cold and i was only in joggers, a jumper and my little slippers! My Just beats were around my neck attached to my ipod- there was no way i was sitting on a 24 hour flight without my music! 

'Chill dude im just grabbing my suitcase' was Sav's reply 

We turned a corner and I saw her coming out of her house with a suitcase in tow. Typical, we were pretty much in the same outfit and like me she has her slippers on and pink beats around her neck, I swear we should be twins! 

'yo what up Sav?!' I yelled as she shut the boot and hopped in next to me 

'Nothing much D! Ah sweet! You've got a blanket!' she exclaimed. She pulled it around her, 'oh man, I'm literally shattered! I didn't sleep last night, I'm buzzing!' We giggled and I agreed! 

We spent the 6 hour car journey wrapped in my blanket discussing Australia! 

Once we got to the airport we had express check in and only had to wait half hour until we were on the plane! 

'Flip D, are your aunt and uncle rich or something?!?!' she asked shocked. 

'No, but living comfortably. my auntie's job is paying for our flight so - we fly in style! First class baby!' 

'Sweet!' Sav exclaimed.  

As we both hadn't slept much we curled up together in our chairs put our music on, I fell asleep on Sav's shoulder. Comfortable isn't the word. 

Savannah shook me a few hours later and as I came around from my epic dream I heard: 

'Fasten your seat belts, we are now landing in Melbourne Airport, the temperature is a nice warm 30 degrees and the time is 9am.'  

I looked at Sav, 'Summer Vacation has now begun!'

[End note: bad spelling and grammar- that's my fault (Cheey) one I'm bad at English and two I'm dyslexic (: read and comment for a new chapter :D]

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