Chapter Ten

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Dylen POV


I rolled over in bed to check my phone, I peeked through one eye to see what time it was 6.42am seriously like what the hell!

New message from: Jai<3

'Morning beautiful, sorry if this wakes you, but I wanted to make you smile when you wake up (: anyway me and Luke are picking you girls up at 11 for Daresundays, you excited?

Oh and Ps I love you <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

I glanced at the message not really paying attention until my eyes hit those 3 words, I sat up rapidly, I reread it in case I read it wrong the first time! Nope it was in black and white in front of my eyes - 'I love you'

I ran to Sav's bed and jumped on her,

'he said it!!!!' I shouted to her. She woke up suddenly and bolted up,

'what the hell! Why Dylen?' she replied grumpily

'he said it!' I remarked again

'Dyl! It's early morning and I just woke up! What the hell are you on about?'

'Jai said he loved me!' I said, still unable to believe it.

'he did?' she asked curiously,

'yeaaaah' I replied.

We did the happy dance and I realised I hadn't text him back.

Text to, Jai<3:

'Morning hot stuff ;) it's alright, I'll get you back later ;D why are you awake so early? Yeah okay we'll get ready soon! Of course! It should be good

Oh i forgot I love Luke sorry ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Not really I love you <3'

I sent it with a laugh and explained to Sav what I had done. She called me badass and I decided to go grab us breakfast.

I came back into our room 10 minutes later carrying two bowls of Coco Pops and a glass of juice on a tray and I even picked a flower to put in a cup.

'breakfast in bed, smelly.' I hollered at Savannah whilst she was in the bathroom, she joined me shortly

'ah how romantic with the tulip!' she giggled. Halfway through eat my cereal my phone went off twice.


New message from: Jai<3

'You just made my ego 10 times bigger! Oo is that a threat Miss Jenson?

I had to help my mum with Errands this morning (: yeah it should be!

Whaaaaaat :'( you're a meanie!

I love you so much and I hope you know that <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

New message from: Twitter

Jaibrooks1 just tweeted:

my girlfriend just told me she loves Luke and then told me she was joking ;)

#meanie #lovemygirlfriendreally #onlyajokeguysnothingserious

I laughed at his tweet, let the hate begin.

New tweet:

Early morning bant! Love you really Jai<3 #neverforgetthat

And Sav too #shouldmentionmahbestie

We got ready and it seemed like time had flown, as we were now sitting behind the camera, watching the guys prepare for D.S. We sat next to Kaitlyn and Sarah, it seemed like this was the girlfriend area. Savannah mentioned she didn't want to be on camera and I said I didn't mind. This was the first time me and Sav actually met the rest of the Janoskians and they were so cool and laid back! James was like the joker and Skip seemed to be the quiet one and we already knew Luke had the stomach of a stone, Beau had gorgeous eyes and Jai well, and he was just amazing!

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