Chapter Eight

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[Dylen POV]

After working a hard long week, the company's event was coming along pretty good, it was surprising how many famous people were coming and me and Sav would get to actually meet some celebs! As for the whole me and Jai situation we talked, texted and phoned each other like every minute of the day! And had agreed to start a relationship, I know it seems rushed but it'd been like a nearly two weeks since we met and I only had two months here, they say love at first sight isn't true but Haters gonna hate!

I woke up early on Saturday, like half 7! Maybe it was because of all our early mornings, but maybe it was because we were going to a theme park with Jai and Luke!! I decided I would have a shower ad get ready, perfection takes time! I texted my mum and let her know how things were going and hopped into the shower.

9am I'm ready, shower, hair, makeup and dressed, I glanced at Savannah and she's asleep so I decided to get revenge. I opened my door and whistled 'Milo, jett, come here babies!' they bounded up the stairs and I shouted 'attack!' and pointed at Sav, they leapt on her and slobbered everywhere! She screamed and jumped up so fast, now it was my turn to run to the bathroom!

'DYLEN ALICE JENSON!!! I will kill you!'

'mwhahaha, nope!'

After much fussing and death threats, we agreed we were even and I let her get ready.


New text of Jaai<3

Morning beautiful, we are on our way, cant wait to show you a good time! see you soon! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Text to Jaai<3

Morning cutie! Okay, Sav's nearly ready and I'm ready and waiting! Can't wait, love a good thrill ;) phone me when your outside <3 xxxxxxxxxxxx

I decided to send out a tweet felt like I haven't done one in a while

'theme park with the guys and @SavannahLyons #hatersgonnahate

Sav came out of the bathroom looking hot, as always!! Luke seriously needs to get with her, like now!

[Savannah POV]

After a crazy wake up call, I was washed and dressed. I was wearing light wash jeans and a blue cropped tank top with blue vans. My hair was up in a high pony tail - wasn't risking having my hair down if we were going on roller coasters! I had butterflies in my stomach again, I only had to think about luke and they appeared, flapping their little wings. I was so excited to be going to Luna park! I had heard about the Sydney one and hoped that Melbourne's would be equally as good!

At 10 the boys showed up at Terrie's house to take us to Luna Park. Beau was sat in the drivers seat, 'hey girls! Don't worry, I'm not joining you's on your little date, just driving you there!' We greeted him and Jai, Dylen and I got in the back whilst Luke sat in the front. We listened to music and had general chit chat on the way. We told the boys about our job and they told us about school and new ideas they had for videos.

[Dylen POV]

'so yeah our next daresundays is gunna be great!' Luke had just explained the Janoskians idea for a new video and it did sound pretty cool!

We pulled up into Luna Park and I could feel the excitement in the air, I pulled out my phone and took a picture with Sav and the brothers including Beau. He gave me and Savannah hugs and told us he would pick us up later, we agreed and me and Savannah ran to grab a entry wrist band, leaving the guys behind to agree a pick up time.

I ran up to the sign to see how much it was and hollered at Savannah, 'it's $42.95 for unlimited rides or $9.50 each ride.' we decided the unlimited was perfect. We were joined by Jai and Luke just as we were pulling out our purses, they tutted and refused to let us pay

'how can pretty ladies like you pair pay for a date?' Luke said, and Savannah blushed and went shy while I stood there speechless. 'uh date?' Sav finally said

'um yeah, if you want it to be?' Luke replied.

'that would be nice.'Savannah mumbled, unable to construct a sentence.

After what seemed like forever of arguing the guys paid for us on a condition they take us on the ferris wheel 'The SkyRider' 'but as the last ride, I want to go on roller coasters first!' I stated excitedly. 'come on then, let's go on 'Metropolis!' Jai said as he pulled me towards it, 'come on Sav!' I pulled her and she grabbed onto Luke. We looked so weird with this train of us four running towards the extreme roller coaster!

After many rides we decided to sit down and grab some food,

'what do you fancy?' Luke asked Sav.

I pulled some cotton candy down and asked for a Sprite, I again tried to pay but was beaten to it.. Again! I seriously had to pay for something today or I would go insane!

Jai grabbed a cheeseburger and grabbed my hand so we could find a table whilst the love birds got food.

'this looks nice' Jai exclaimed as he pulled me to this picnic area next to the 'Enterprise'. I grabbed a bite of my cotton candy and watched the people on the ride scream. I laughed at the wimpy people and continued eating

'you got a bit on your face' mumbled Jai , he went to grab it from my face and gently placed it in my waiting mouth, for a moment I glanced into his eyes and it felt like everything around me had frozen and nothing else mattered! I blinked and felt soft warm lips on mine, I opened my eyes abruptly and Jai pulled back, 'I'm so sorry, I should of waited longer' Jai kept apologising but I wasn't really listening, that kiss was heaven and was also my first kiss with him. I looked up at him and he looked guilty and very sorry, I wasn't sure what I was gunna say but out of nowhere I had confidence and leant in for another kiss, which he took gladly.

Luke coughed awkwardly. 'I leave you for two seconds and you start making out?' Savannah said jokingly.

'sorry I couldn't take it any longer' Jai replied, laughing.

We started eating, Jai wolfed down his burger, Savannah pecked at a toffee apple, I continued eating my cotton candy and Luke munched on a Hotdog.

I looked around me, I had amazing friends, a hot boyfriend and a great job who wanted me to continue working with them after college! A month really changes your life!

After our lunch we decided our last ride was the ferris wheel. Me and Jai walked hand in hand and got onto the ride first, Luke and Savannah joined us with his arm around her.

They seriously need to admit their feelings! I had to chat to Sav later.

They hopped onto a carriage behind us and we slowly went up. Did I forget to tell them I'm terrified of heights!?!? It was like Sav had read my mind, as I went to freak out I heard Savannah behind us, 'Jai grab her! She hates heights! Grab her now!'

Faster than I could process what was happening, Jai had me tucked into his side, and was whispering to me that it would be okay. The ride stopped at the top to let people off at the bottom and Jai looked into my eyes and kissed me again. This was so romantic! He kissed my cheek and then cuddled me back into place, I looked behind us and saw Sav cuddled into Luke! Jai also saw and we agreed this relationship had to start soon!

We finished the ride and Beau like a gentleman had opened our doors of the car ready to head home. 'can you drive us to the beach before we go home?' Luke asked.


hey guys! we haven't updated this in awhile, not even sure if anyone is reading it haha!(: if you do, please vote and comment letting us know if you like it or if we can improve in anyway, thank you! Have a nice day x Cheey & Leolla x

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