Chapter Seven

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[Savannah POV]

'You're so cute, Sav!' Luke said, intertwining his fingers with mine. I blushed, 'Thank you, Lukey! But you're cuter!' I leaned in to kiss him- - "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE! THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED!" The radio woke me out of my amazing dream. I groaned and looked at the alarm clock sat on my bedside table, it read 06:30am. I rolled over and groaned into my pillow, as amazing as it was to be in Australia, waking up at half six in the morning sucked. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from the corners of my eyes. Why is it that when you're having amazing dreams, something has to wake you up yet when you're being chased through the woods and can't run in your dreams, nothing will wake you up? Sod's law, I guess! I chucked my pillow at a sleeping Dylen, 'Wake up, kid! We've got a job to go to!' the pillow bounced of her head but she didn't even stir. 'Dylen? Dylennnnnn!' I shouted and still no movement. 'ok, have it your way then,' I got up from my bed and headed towards the en suite bathroom, 'I'll just have to resort to the good old glass of cold water!' There happened to be a glass next to the sink, I turned the faucet on and let it run for a bit, making sure it was freezing, then I filled the glass almost to the rim. I giggled as I crept back into the bed room. I stood over Dylen, 'I'm giving you until the count of three miss Jenson, and then you will get this glass on your head! One,' I poked her cheek, 'two.. Three!' as I went to pour the glass, she shot up. A little drop splashed onto her head, causing her to let out a scream. I burst out laughing and ran to the bathroom, locking the door - I was in trouble!!! I leaned my back against the door, putting all my weight on it. 'Savannah Lyons, I am going to kill you!' Dylen screamed at me through the door and I just laughed. After about 5 minutes of banging on the door and threatening to kill me, Dylen finally gave in, but she insisted that she would "get me back, somehow"! I got showered and changed into a cream, lace skater dress - we had to dress smartly for this job. I curled my hair so it sat in loose curls on my now tanned shoulders. It was 7:45 and we had to leave. We got in Terrie's car and headed into the city.

The company was an advertising firm. We'd be like interns, helping with odd little jobs and helping Terrie to plan the company's upcoming event, a party for the jewellery company, Tiffany & Co. Chester Advertising was throwing a part for Tiffany to try and convince them to use CA as their Australian advertisers, and we got to help!! How cool?!

Our first task was to help Terrie write the VIP guest list - a task we thoroughly enjoyed! 'Dannii Minouge!' Dylen said, showing me the list, 'Dannii, actual, Minouge!'

'well done, Dylen! You can read!' I said, being sarcastic and jokingly patronising. Dylen pushed me and pouted, 'shut up!' I laughed and got back to typing up the finalised list.

Even though our job was fun, it was demanding! I don't know how many times I got sent to get cups of coffee for Terrie and her boss! So when lunch time came, I was so glad. I quickly sent my mum a text saying I missed her and that I was having an amazing time. Then a text from luke came through, "Hey cutie, how's your first day at work going? Got any plans for the weekend? Me and Jai want to take you and Dylen to Luna Park;) it's a sick theme park, interested? <3" Butterflies decided to do somersaults in my stomach as I read his text. I replied, "hey Lukey:) its pretty crazy at work, but awesome! Nope, we're both free(: I'd love to! And I'm 100000% sure Dylen will come if Jai's going;)x" he instantly texted back saying they'd pick us up at 10am. I smiled and informed Dylen of our upcoming plans. Before I knew it lunch was over and I spent the rest of the day on cloud nine, thinking about seeing Luke again.


Hope you enjoyed! Let us know what you think:)

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