Chapter Nine

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[Savannah POV]

Beau stopped the car and Dylen, Jai, Luke and I all climbed out. 'Thanks, Beau. See you later!' Luke said, slamming the car door. 'Yeah, see ya!' Beau drove off and we were left standing in a car park. I looked at Luke expectantly, 'So, what's the plan, Brooks?'

'Well, Lyons. I think we should all take a stroll on the beach! What do ya reckon?' Luke said smiling down at me. I shivered, 'it's a bit cold though!' The sun was starting to set and there was a cool breeze coming off the sea. Luke wrapped his arms around me, 'I'll keep you warm.' Jai and Dylen set off a head of us, Jai had his arm wrapped around Dylen's shoulder and they fitted together like puzzle pieces - perfectly. 'How cute are they?' I asked Luke. We were walking side by side and every now and then our arms or hands would brush, sending shivers down my spine. I was normally quite a shy person - until you got to know me - but with Luke I felt completely at ease. We got along so well and could talk about anything, yet at the same time when I was round him I was nervous had butterflies in my tummy and clammy hands. 'They're adorable! Jai thinks the world of Dylen, she's all he talks about. Don't tell him I told you this, but he actually said her name in his sleep the other night!' Luke said, and we both laughed. 'That's so cute! Dylen thinks the world of him too, she's yet to say his name in her sleep though!' I replied and we shared a laugh again. Up ahead Jai and Dylen were messing around, Jai was picking her up and spinning around in circles. I giggled softly at them and smiled. They both looked so happy, Dylen was smiling ear to ear. 'Shall we sit down?' Luke asked and we sat next to each other on the golden sand. I stared out to the sea, taking in the amazing views, and feeling the cooling breeze on my flushed face. 'It's so cool here,' I said.

'where? The beach or Australia?'

'Well, both! They're both beautiful. Never in a million years did I think I'd come to Australia! Let alone meet...' I trailed off, not finishing my sentence. Luke looked at me, 'Meet who?' he cheekily smirked and I laughed, 'As much as I don't want to inflate your ego, I'm not gonna lie. I never thought I'd meet you!'

'Ah I see! Well, everything happens for a reason.'

'that's what I've heard!' we both laughed, smiling at each other. Luke stared into my eyes, causing me to blush and look away. 'Did you know your eyes change colour? Earlier they were a lightish brown colour and now they're really dark, almost black.' Luke said, lifting my chin so I was looking at him again. I nodded, 'I know, they're weird!'

'Nah! They're incredible.' He smiled softly at me and I smiled back. I glanced down to his lip ring, 'I normally cannot stand facial piercings, but yours is seriously hot!' I said, biting my bottom lip and raising my eyebrows in a flirtatious manner. Luke laughed, 'well thank you! I'm glad you like it.' I grinned at him and he returned the smile.

Further along the beach Jai and Dylen were making out, again! Luke and I laughed and I said, 'They actually can't get enough of each other! If they're not careful, someone might get eaten!' Luke laughed, 'it wouldn't surprise me! They're like two horny teenagers! Oh wait...' we both laughed. Luke and I shared a sarcastic sense of humour. I shivered, the sun had pretty much set now and night was slowly creeping in. I tucked my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. Next to me, Luke was unzipping his hoodie. He draped it over my shoulders and smiled at me. 'Thank you, but what if you get cold?' I asked, to which he replied, 'Well, then you'll have to give me a cuddle won't you?' I giggled, he was so cute. 'What are you doing on Sunday?' Luke asked.

'erm, nothing that I know of. How come?'

'well we're filming our latest dare Sundays, it'd be cool if you guys came and watched? I mean, only of you want to.'

'I'd love to! And I'm pretty sure Dylen will be attached to Jai's mouth anyway so.. But, as long as I'm not on camera!' I said, pulling a serious face. Luke laughed, 'Ok, you don't have to be on camera! Sick, this means you get to meet James and Daniel! And Tyla too.'

'Awesome! Tyla's pretty hot,' I winked at Luke, teasing him. The look on his face showed be wasn't impressed! I laughed, pushing him gently, 'I'm only messing with you, Lukey! I mean, he is hot but I won't try anything! Don't worry!'

'Ok, good.'

'Do I detect a hint of jealously, Brooks?'

'No! No, not at all, I just...'


'I think you're cute and stuff.. And I know you're not looking for a relationship over here so don't worry...' Luke said, looking at the sand. I laughed lightly, 'Are you saying you like me?'

'Well.. Yeah, I do. And if you lived round here I would ask you out in a second but you live in England.'

'Oh man that reminds me, I haven't spoken to my mum today! But anyway, um, I like you too, Luke.'

'You do?' I could hear the surprise in his voice.

'Yes! You're amazing! You make me laugh and you're so cute! Oh and you're hot too.' I winked. Luke wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to his body. 'Well, maybe we could just be friends who like to cuddle and have the odd kiss?' Luke said quietly and I laughed, 'Sounds good to me!' I kissed him on the cheek, leaving a lipgloss stain. He reached up and lightly touched his cheek, smiling at me. I smiled back. The butterflies were going double time in my stomach!!


Authors note: I'm pretty sure there aren't any beaches near Melbourne but humour me please haha! Hope you enjoy, please leave feedback, vote, follow ect. :)

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