Chapter Four

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[Dylen POV]

The next morning I woke up to Jett and Milo trying to scratch our door to come in, I looked at my clock and saw it was 7am! I had to get my body clock normal again! We didn't get to sleep until 3, after talking and checking in with our parents, with the different time zones, it was mad! And we were meant to be going to the zoo in an hour! I looked at peacefully sleeping Savannah; to me she doesn't look very good! Her eyes looked sunken and her face just looked a state! I woke her up and asked if I could let Milo and Jett in, before she answered she ran to the toilet and threw up! Nailed it! Was I an amazing twin or what? I sent her back to bed and got some tablets and informed my aunt. Being the motherly person she was (without having children) she went and saw to Sav whilst I got ready for the zoo.  

'Dyl! Can you come here a sec?' Savannah hollered at me.  

'sure thing sweet cheeks!' I replied. I finished applying my eyeliner and headed into my ill best friend.

'you look like crap, my dear!' I said and giggled at her.  

'thanks, man!' she exclaimed with a pouty face.  

'so what's up doll?' I asked her, genuinely concerned.  

'I cant go today, so I'm staying with Terrie, Milo and Jett.' 

'Thats okay, smelly.' I said, I was always referring to her with different nicknames.  

'Oh shut up,' was the response I got.

'Dylen, time to go!' my uncle rob hollered from downstairs. 'Bye Sav,don't spew too much, we gotta live in this room!' I joked whilst giving her a hug, 'And just drop me a text if you need me!' She hugged me back and nodded, 'Bye Dyl, pick me up a fluffy toy or something?' she asked.  

'Yeah okay, Love you!' I replied 

'Love you too.'

I headed out the door, Sav looked so ill! I just wanted to hop into her bed and hold her hair whilst she spewed and made sure she was comfortable! Hopefully a nap would help her, I thought to myself.

After a few hours walking around the zoo, me, my uncle and a kid on the street sat down for some food, I looked around and suddenly my eyes locked on a guy. feeling a burst of confidence I walked up to him,

'uh, this is random but are you Beau?' 

'Yeah, hi! do you want a autograph or a photo?' 

'i do,'  

'Yo guys, hot chick wanting us!' I looked around and out of nowhere 4 guys bounded up to us. And then i saw him! Jai, he looked hotter in person! 

We had a few photos and i decided i wouldn't keep this to myself, 'uh Luke do you mind a quick Skype with my best mate? she loves you and she's ill at the moment, so you would cheer her up!' He agreed and we both agreed he would jump out on Sav. I started the face time conversation, 'hey honey pie, how you feeling?' 

'rough, you?' 

'I'm good! someone wants to wish you a get well!' Luke came on screen and Sav flipped out! I gave my phone to Luke and watched from a distance as my best mate talked to her major crush. I looked around and Jai began a conversation with me, 'uh hey'

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