Chapter Six

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[Dylen POV]

Luke gave me my phone back after his FaceTime with Savannah, I expected to look at my blank screen but saw Sav's face grinning at me.

'what's with the creepy grin?' I asked.

She explained the situation and I ended the call eager to get home.

I got home to see Savannah huffing at three different outfits on her bed,

'Dyl, I don't know what to wear, skinnys are cool but uncomfortable to sit in for hours, but sweats arent cool around hot guys!'

'how about a skirt or shorts?'

'mm didn't think of that, thanks.'

I opened my wardrobe, now I had no idea what I was going to wear!

Savannah pushed past me and threw a skirt and a nice shirt on the bed,

'No thanks needed! But it does look cute!' she told me giggling.

'Thanks Sav! How the hell did you know I needed help?'

'The 'oh poo, I dont know what to wear look' on your face!'

We giggled at how well she knew me. I seriously didn't know what I would do without her!

'You know you love me..?' I asked in my sweetest 'will you do me a favour' voice,

'What do you want now?' She replied laughing,

'Will you curl my hair?'

[Savannah's POV]

I curled Dylen's long, bright red hair into loose curls and it looked amazing! I then straightened my dark brown hair and French braided the front section so it wasn't in my face. I did my make up, keeping it natural with some bronzer, mascara and some clear lipgloss. I stood in front of the floor length mirror in our room, I was still feeling a little rough but the sickness had subsided - thank goodness!! I was wearing a coral coloured t shirt tucked into high waisted, light wash denim shorts and some cute gold gladiator sandals. I had accessorised my outfit with some gold bangles, a pair of gold earrings and a brown cross body bag. Dylen and I took a cheeky picture in the mirror and I posted it on instagram with the caption "off to hang out with some cute Aussie boys;) be jelly!"

Dylen's uncle dropped us off at the Brooks' house, it was about a twenty minute drive. As we walked up to their door I suddenly felt sick again, 'oh no!' I exclaimed, clutching my hand to my mouth. I couldn't hold it back, and as I puked on the grass the door opened. A shortish boy with brown hair and sparkling green eyes stood in the doorway, he laughed 'oh wow!' I recognised him as Beau Brooks, one of the janoskians and Jai and Luke's older brother. I cringed as I wiped my mouth, 'I'm so sorry!! I'm Savannah, and this is Dylen. Luke invited us?'

'ahh! I've heard about you, it's nice to meet you both. Come in! So are you hung over, or what?' Beau said, stepping aside to let us in. I laughed, 'no, I've just been feeling a bit sick today. And before you ask, no I am not pregnant!!' We all laughed and Beau showed us through to the living room. He told us to take a seat, asking if we would like a drink. I rummaged in my bag for a chewing gum, shoving two in my mouth as quick as I could. Just then in walked the boys, Luke and Jai, looking super hot! I smiled at them, still finding it hard to believe that I was meeting them. I introduced myself properly to them, as I hadn't met them in person yet. I felt my cheeks blush as Luke leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

[Dylen's POV]

I couldn't believe me and Sav were actually sitting on the Brooks' sofa! And that she spewed on their lawn! In they walked, the finest guys in the world! They walked in and greeted us with a kiss on the cheek each. Not gonna lie, Luke is hot and all but his peck on my cheek felt nothing like Jai's kiss on my other cheek! I saw him blush and look down as he did, that would be a major plus in my books! They guided us into this room which they had set up for a movie night - there were pillows and cushions all over the sofa with a cute Justin Bieber blanket and a flat screen tv sitting on the wall!

'do you like horrors, girls?' Luke asked nervously.

'uh, yeah sure.' me and Sav replied in unison. Sav didn't sound too sure though.

'uh, Um dyl, can you, um help me get some snacks from the uh, kitchen please?' Jai asked, stuttering.

I looked at him with a smile, he was so cute, especially when he was nervous.

'Yeah okay, no problem,' I said following him.

'This is gonna sound uh, pretty forward, but do you know if Savannah likes Luke? 'Cause he um, hasn't shut up about her all day!' He asked still nervous.

I watched him try to construct a sentence, 'No need to be nervous around me, just think of me as a friend you've known forever!' He smiled and nodded, and I continued, 'I think so, but,' I paused hearing Sav shyly talk to Luke and him nervously reply.

'but I just wanna see how things go between them - I don't want to push them into a relationship y'know?' He agreed and we grabbed the snacks, which if I may add, was a lot! They had gone all out to impress us- ice cream, crisps, pizza and fries and every flavour fizzy drink we could imagine!

'Faggots, I'm out!' Beau shouted to the twins.

'Yeah whatever.' they replied in unison.

Me and Jai returned to the movie area and dumped the snacks on the table. Savannah was sitting next to Luke and was deep in conversation with him. I sat next to her and Jai was on my other side and set up the movie.

Halfway through the film I shivered and Jai threw the blanket on me and like the cutie he was, asked, 'um do you mind if we share it? It's pretty cold in here.' I giggled and threw half of it on him.

Just as I got comfortable my stomach decided 'nah, you need to pee now!' I groaned, got up and did my business. I slowly walked back admiring the house when I heard music to my ears,

'Don't tell her though, I don't want to freak her out with my weirdness!' I stopped, was Jai talking about me? I'm usually not a nosy person but this intrigued me. I heard Sav speak

'She likes you!! Why would she freak out?!'

'How do you know that?'

'I know her better than anyone, we're closer than sisters! And it's obvious!'


'You can tell! She laughs at everyone of your lame jokes, and she smiles every time you look at her!' Luke exclaimed.

'I'll talk and hint to her about it tomorrow. I don't want either of you to tell her about it and I will seriously kill you Luke if you ruin that!' Jai replied

I decided that was my cue to enter and regained my position cuddled next to Sav under the blanket. I grabbed Jai's arm and wrapped it around me, he smiled and cuddled in. If he didnt know now, he was an idiot! Just as we were settling into the horror, Luke slowly and cheesily put his arm on Savannah's shoulders, I looked up at Jai and smiled, my eyes started drooping and within seconds I was asleep.

(Authors note: this is a long one! Any feedback appreciated:))

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