Chapter Five

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[Savannah POV]

I groaned as my stomach rumbled, I was so hungry but I couldn't keep anything down! What was wrong with me? Maybe it was the aeroplane food? I sighed, feeling sorry for myself. The Skype tune played on my phone, Dylen was requesting video chat. I answered and we did the whole small talk thing, and suddenly Luke Brooks was on the screen! I stared in disbelief and flattened down my hair, 'um, hey!'

'hey! I hear you're not feeling too good?' Luke's voice was actually beautiful! Why did I have to look so disgusting?! 'yeah, I've got a funny tummy! Maybe from the food on the plane, or homesickness?'

'maybe! Poor you, I hope you feel better soon! So, are you a fan?'

'thanks!' I smiled, 'yes! You guys are hilarious! The skipping mockumentary is literally perfection!' Luke laughed, 'thanks, it means a lot! So how long are you in Melbourne?' I explained our situation to Luke and we chatted for a few minutes, 'so um, do you like, wanna hang out sometime? Like, we could watch a movie or something? If you want to?' Luke stuttered.

'you wanna hang out with me? When I'm like this?' I laughed and Luke continued, 'yeah, I reckon I can make you feel better!' he winked and I giggled. As if, THE Luke Brooks wanted to hang out with ME, Savannah Evie Lyons!! I suppressed a scream and replied calmly, 'sure, I'd love to hang out with you. Where and when?' Luke smiled and told me where Dylen and I should meet him and Jai, and what time, he also gave me directions to his place. As we were saying goodbye he cheekily said, 'Your accent is seriously sexy by the way!' and with a wink he was gone. I smiled to myself, feeling my olive cheeks flush a light pink. I informed Dylen of our up and coming plans and then settled down to sleep. I was determined to be well enough for this meeting with Luke!!

(Authors note: hope you enjoy! Any feedback appreciated:))

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