Chapter Three

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[Savannah POV]

The wheels finally touched the Tarmac and I sighed a breath of relief. I wasn't the best of flyer's! We got off the plane, found our luggage and headed to arrivals. A guy with a sign saying "Miss Dylen Jenson" was stood looking rather bored. We walked up to him, 'erm, hey! I'm Dylen!' Dylen said to the guy and I waved awkwardly. 'hi, how you going? I'm Barry and I'll be escorting you to your aunt's house. right this way girls,' he said in his amazing Australian accent, taking our suitcases and heading for the exit. 'What a hunk!' I whispered, nudging Dylen and she laughed. As we walked out the exit, the strong Aussie heat hit me like when you open the oven door, 'whoa! It's hot!' I exclaimed, wishing I'd worn less clothes. We got into a fancy car and I instantly asked Barry to switch on the AC. The cool air felt amazing on my clammy skin. We drove for about half an hour and finally arrived at Terrie's house - it was amazing!

[Dylen POV]

I saw Sav's face drop in shock as we pulled up to my aunt's house. I knew what to expect, I never had been to her house but always saw pictures that had been posted on Facebook. As soon as we stepped out the heat hit us again! Major shock to our body going from cold degrees from the UK to burning hot degrees in Oz! My aunt rushed out of her house to greet us followed by my uncle who was also pleased to see us! 'Hey girls, how was your flight? oh Rob, help the driver get their bags!' She said promptly, and before we had a chance to speak my aunt began again,  

'Oh hiya Savannah, I'm Terrie, welcome to my home! make yourself at home and if there is anything you need just ask!'

Me and Sav just nodded and headed inside with the others, to be greeted by two gorgeous dogs, Jett and Milo! They were gorgeous and I just sat there wanting to play! 

'Well girls I hope you don't mind sharing a room,' my aunty told us, and as we were so close this didn't bother us.  

We headed into our room- it was a peachy colour, we had two double beds and an en suite. Boy did this feel homey!

'Right girls, chill for a bit, I bet you must be jet lagged! Lunch is at 1 OK?'

We nodded again as we were just in awe of this amazing experience! We started unpacking and began chatting, as she was like my twin, I felt like I could always tell her everything, 'Uh Sav can i ask you something?' 

'Yeah go ahead,'  

'Am I weird in trying to find a guy whilst being here?' 

'No, why?' 

'I just feel desperate and after my break up with Alfie, y'know, it's lonely.'  

'It's normal.' Savannah stated whilst pulling me into a hug. 'And plus we are on a mission to find Jai and Luke! Maybe something will happen!' We both giggled and lay down and continued talking about how great that experience would be.

(Authors note: any feed back would be appreciated! Thank you for reading:))

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