Writers Block - Let's Try To Cure That

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     Ten ways to try and cure writers block. Writers block is very annoying, so I have some tips you can try. Please tell me if any of them work. 

1. Try not to worry about it too much. Writers block is probably stressed induced. 

2. Let your subconscious take control of your writing. Doesn't even have to be the thing you were writing about before. After that, you read it, try make an idea from that piece of writing. 

3. Look at your characters backstories. What can you write that would fit the backstory?

4. Read books with the same genre as you or movie. Get a good idea on what it would be like. 

5. Take a break. Can't work without rest and time for yourself. Maybe take a nap, and try to remember your dream. Perhaps you can get an idea from that. 

6. Think harder about the subject at hand, and do some research. Is it realistic enough that it could be true?

7. Try writing in a newspaper-like format about what is happening so far.

8.  Write a character looking from someone else's P.o.V (like a demigod dream kinda thing).

9. Write a diary entry of any of your characters.

10. What is the ending of your story? 

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