The finding of Ezra

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Sabine Pov.

Silence. Just the burning and crackling of the fire. As I raced to the wreckage of the Ghost, a shot rang out. I cried out, holding my left shoulder as I looked up toward a catwalk. I saw the sniper who shot me and ran toward him, grabbing my blasters as I ran. The sniper quickly ran away, knowing that the only form of combat he knew was sniping, he would most certainly lose in a fight against a Mandalorian, young though she was. As I ran after him, I heard the start of a ship. Then I saw it rising a few hundred yards away, then I watched helplessly as it blasted into hyperspace, leaving me alone with chopper, next to the wreckage if the ship.

Then I did something that I hadn't done since I ran away from my clan. I cried. "Why?" I sobbed "Why me?" "Why did the force leave me here, alone?" Chopper let out a comforting warble, patting me with one of his mechanical arms. "Thanks Chop." I said. Just then I heard the clang of metal behind me. I spun around and saw a section of debris start to move. "Chop." I yelled. "Somebody is alive." Me and Chopper raced over to the spot and started to remove the debris surrounding it. 

When I removed a rather large piece of debris, I found an arm. The arm was covered in a piece of fabric that was soaked through with blood. However, there was a piece of fabric that still had the original color showing, making me gasp. It was orange.

"Ezra!" I gasped, as me and Chopper continued to remove the debris. Me and Chopper quickly uncovered his face and torso, revealing an unconscious Ezra. "Chopper where is the hanger, maybe one of these ships on this abandoned base works." I asked, all while tears streaked down my face. Chopper pulled up the map of the base and marked the hanger with a red dot, blinking periodically. "Chopper, stay with him." I yelled as I ran toward the abandoned hanger, dragging a container of unexploded rhydonium. I quickly found it and ran toward one of the few ships that were still intact.  "Please work" I said after filling up the fuel tank and climbing into the pilot seat. To my relief, after a few tries the old vessel started up just fine. 

Still clutching my wounded shoulder, I raced back to Ezra and Chopper. I then picked Ezra up and put him over my right should, crouching under his weight and made for the ship, Chopper rolling behind. Ezra started moaning, his breathing becoming ragged. "It's okay Ezra, I've got you." As I lay Ezra in the co-pilot seat, I was overcome with a very strange feeling. Something that I had never felt before. Something that made me queasy, happy and nervous all at the same time. As I looked at him, I felt those feelings multiply, along with an overwhelming sensation of grief. "Stay with me." I said, hugging his limp body. "Stay with me." All of a sudden, I had a realization that hit me like a brick wall. "Oh God. I do I love Ezra?", I asked myself, as my own rapidly beating heart answered the question for me. "Oh Kriff." Tears still streaming down my face, I blasted off into hyperspace, praying to every god I knew that he would be alright.

(Ezrabine/Sabezra) Rise of Clan GhostWhere stories live. Discover now