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Narrator Pov.

As Sabine came out of hyperspace, she gazed upon the planet Krownest. "Don't worry Ezra, my mother will help us." Sabine said, touching Ezra on his ice cold cheek. Suddenly a transmission came through from the planet, saying "Unidentified ship, you are in Mandalorian controlled territory. state your business or we will send fighters.

" This is Sabine Wren, daughter of Ursa Wren. We require emergency medical attention." After a short pause, somebody else joined the transmission. "This is Ursa Wren leader of clan Wren of house Visla. Who are you and what are you doing in a Mandalorian sector?." "This is Sabine" she replied, trying her best to hold back tears. "Sabine, my daughter, what is wrong? "Ursa asked in a concerned way, sensing her daughters Greif. "I'll tell you the rest when we land," Sabine said, sobbing "But right now we need medical attention. One of my friends is dying" "Oh Sabine! What happened daughter?" "I'll tell you later, but please let us land." Of course, you are cleared for landing pad 2." her mother replied in a worried tone. "T-thank you mother" said Sabine, crying. "We'll help you Ezra, keep holding on." said Sabine, hugging Ezra's limp body.

Sabine Pov.

When we landed, two Clan Wren  mandalorians were waiting with a stretcher. As soon as they saw Ezra's lifeless body, they rushed over, placed him on a stretcher, and raced toward the Medical Bay. I started to follow, but suddenly my mother was at my side, with a hand on by injured arm. I winced, pulling away. "Sabine your hurt. What happened?" "Mother, I'll tell you later, but right now me and Chopper need to be with Ezra." and with that I raced off to the medical bay, followed by a very worried Chopper. We arrived to the sight of Ezra being put into a bacta tank. Seeing Ezra without his shirt on made me cry. He was very badly injured. His entire torso was burned, with a major rip in his chest, slightly exposing two of his ribs. He had a huge gash on his right arm, starting at the shoulder and ending near his forearm. His left arm was plastered in small scrapes and cuts, as well as a large burn mark the size of a holo-pad. When I saw him, I broke down an wept, collapsing on the floor. I didn't know if he would make it. I supposed that the only reason that he had survived this long was because of his attachment to the force. As I was crying, my mother walked in, and upon seeing me on the floor, she did something very uncharacteristic of her. She kneeled down and held me close, letting me burry my face into her chest. Chopper then came over and patted me with one of his many metal arms. As I sobbed, chopper replayed the assassination to my mother, projecting the event into the air. As I heard the sounds of the explosion, and the cries of alarm from the crew, I sobbed even louder and harder than before, squeezing my mother tighter than ever. 

My mother remain silent throughout the whole replay of the event. After it was over, I asked my mother a question, still sobbing hysterically the entire time. "M-mother?" "Yes Sabine?" my mother replied in a shaky, but comforting tone. "If E-Ezra survives, may h-he please be aloud to s-stay, and become a member of our clan?" I asked, still crying into her body. After a moment of quiet thought, my mother answered me. "For the time being, yes. But if you shall wish for him to become a permanent Mandalorian, you two shall have to get married, and start your own clan." "I understand mother, t-thank you." I said, shakily, looking over at Ezra. 


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