The Awakening

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2 weeks later

Sabine Pov. 

Ezra still hasn't woken up. They transferred him out of the bacta tank, saying that they've done all they could. When I found out that they had done that, I was overcome with anger. It felt like they were giving up on him. Blinded by rage, I attacked one of the doctors, which resulted in him with a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder. I probably would have killed him if my mother hadn't stepped in. She had grabbed me by the shoulder, and held me in a vice like bear hug.  I  had struggled to get away, but she had held on with all her might, until anger turned into grief. I had broken down, sobbing uncontrollably into her shoulder, until I had fallen asleep in her arms. 

Since then, I never left Ezra's side, willing him to wake up. I was so scared. I had no idea when, or even if he would ever get up. Several times I had laid my head on his chest, listening to the comforting beat of his heart, falling asleep. I was doing that now, letting myself get lost in sleep. However, before I fell into sleeps abyss, I muttered, "Please wake up Ezra. Don't leave me"

Ezra Pov.

Everything hurt. Even my mind, it hurt to think. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. I tried again, but couldn't muster enough strength. Growing panicked, I tried to open my eyes, but was instantly hit with darkness that quickly overwhelmed me. Waiting for my eyes to adjust, I then tried again, and looked around. I was in what looked like a medical bay, surrounded by the color of white and light blue, however, because it was so dark I couldn't be certain. When I tried to sit up, I felt something heavy on my chest. Looking down, I saw the outline of a person sleeping on my chest. Being so dark, I couldn't tell who it was. When I reached out through the force, I felt a presence that I had felt many times. "S-Sabine?" I whispered. Sabine moved slightly, letting out a sigh. "Sabine" I said again, in a louder voice, touching her cheek. Sabine stirred, then her eyes flickered open. Looking at me she asked "Ezra?" "The one and only," I said, smiling. "Ezra!" she yelled in an exited tone, throwing her arms around me. Suddenly, she started crying, her whole body shaking an my arms. "Sabine?" I asked in a worried tone. "I thought I lost you." "Oh Sabine Im so sorry. But-but, why are you crying." I asked in a shaky voice." "W-what do you mean?" She asked, looking at me with tear filled eyes. "W-well you have never done this when the others have gotten injured." I explained. "W-why the change?" "She looked at me, amber eyes brimming over with tears. "I-I don't really know. All I know is that, when I was bringing you here, I-I kept feeling these strange emotions. Ezra, when I brought you here, I-I felt," she stuttered, looking at me. "I f-felt. Arghh, gosh damn it." She said. Suddenly, I leaned over and kissed her, holding her close. After a minute, I broke away, and looking at her I said "I love you too, Sabine."


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(Ezrabine/Sabezra) Rise of Clan GhostWhere stories live. Discover now