The Realization

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Ezra Pov.

Once we got out of bed, Sabine said, "Ez, we need to talk to my mother. She should know the whole truth. She needs to know about Mon Mothma." "I agree, we need to tell you mother. Come on, lets go." Upon putting on our armor, we left our room and started walking toward the command center. 

When we arrived we heard voices. One was Ursa's, talking in her usual commanding tone. But the other was one that we knew all too well. One that we had grown to hate. The one responsible for the death of our family. It was Mon Mothma. 

Sabine Pov. 

"Ezra. It's her! The one who killed our family." I could feel rage boiling up inside me. I could feel it flooding my senses, blocking out my thoughts, leaving only hatred and anger. I could feel myself losing control. "I'll kill her Ezra! I'll kill the ones who murdered our family." I whispered in a deadly tone. "Let me at her!" 

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I felt a presence in my mind. One that was not mine. One so familiar and yet one so comforting. "Sabine." Suddenly I felt something other blind rage. I felt a spark of warmth. "Sabine." The voice said again. The warm feeling began to grow, and I began to take control of my emotions and senses. I could see again. I could feel. "Sabine! your okay." And suddenly, there he was. Ezra had his eyes closed, and a hand on my shoulder. I could feel that he was the voice. He brought me back. "Ezra?" I whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his. "Hey Sab. You okay?" I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Ez. Thank you for bringing me back."

(Ezrabine/Sabezra) Rise of Clan GhostWhere stories live. Discover now