chapter 2

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Lizzie's Pov

*A few minutes before*

I get out of me car to help the man from the U-Haul truck,to unload my stuff."Thank you" I say before the man leaves."Anytime" He saids smiling back to me.I get settled in,giving myself a tour around the house I am now going to live in.I had to get me own place to get away from the real world,to relax my mind,you know?I start to move things around,playing with things.As I was taking grasp of my lamp i took out from the box labeled 'lights', my doorbell rings.

I put down the lamp onto a table nearby and open the door.There i see,a girl with ,Im assuming her mother and her brother."Hey there" I say to the family standing outside my doorstep. "Um hi, uh im Y/n,this is my brother Oliver and this my mother Katherina." Y/n introduces everyone to me. " Oh um Im Elizabeth,but you can just call me lizzie or liz." As I invite them inside the house,I awkwardly close the door and I try to clean up briskly.I just moved in  few minutes ago so the place is a bit,well messy.

I realise the Katherina was holding a glass with food in it,wrapped in some plastic."Here lemme take that for you"I say."O no it's fine i'll just set down on the counter over there somewhere." She saids calmingly.I see Y/n's brother,on his phone,probably texting his friends or something,and I couldnt help but notice Y/n looking awkwardly aroung the room."This place looks really nice."Y/n saids,out of nowhere."Uh thank you." I say. "Um,if you guys want,you can stay over for dinner." I blurt out. "Yeah sure we would like that."Katherina saids back to me.

Y/n's pov

Elizabeth or lizzie,asked us to stay over for dinner,and now we're here.One second we were only visiting,now we're staying for dinner.What's next,we sleep over on the same night? Anyway,As Lizzie cooks dinner for the four of us,Oliver sits uncomfortably on the couch and my mom sits down beside him."Why dont you go help Elizabeth,hmm?" I swear,this woman want to get rid of me. " Uh yeah okay."

I walk over to the kitchen door,opening it and seeing lizzie in a red apron with white dots on them. I guess she didnt hear me when i opened the door so i decided to say something to her.

But what should i say though? "Nice apron." I blurt out to her. She turns around,looking at me,almost like she saw ghostface or something. "Jeez Y/n,you nearly gave me a heart attack there." She jokes,laughing.God her smile was so contagious. " Hehe sorry about that,um you need some help?" I question to her. " Kinda." She shurugs.

I walk over to her,politely asking for the spoon she was using.I take over her cooking.She takes a step back and saids "Do your magic." She smiles at me.She leans on the counter with her arms crossed,and her red,poca dotted apron still on.I could feel her eyes staring at me.I hide the smile away from lizzie so she doesnt notice.I stir up what she was cooking and put a bit in my mouth."How is it?" She questions as she scrunches up her nose. " It great,but there's a little too much pepper in there." I smile,looking at her.

As we clean up in the kitchen,we prepare the plates.It was kind of awkward.I tried get words out of my mouth,but nothing came out. "So Y/n,what's your last name?" She looks up at me,trying to make a conversation between us. " It's Stevens,Y/n Stevens." I admit to her. She looks at me with surprise. "What about you? What's your last name?" I interogate her. "It's Olsen,Elizabeth Olsen." She said to me.

As we finish preparing,I call Oliver and my mom to come eat now.

Oliver's Pov

When Y/n called us to come eat,I stood up to help mom get off the small and low couch.We walked to the dinner table,getting seated,and serving ourselves.

"So Oliver, according to your sister, you play soccore." Elizabeth saids,trying to get a word out of everyone. "Uh yeah,I do,well i did but i stopped playing." I admit. "Oh ok." She saids. Usually,when i would tell somethat information,they would ask me why,but with Elizabeth,she just moves on. Hmm

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