chapter 4

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Y/n's pov

Last night i figured out i had a crush on my new neighbour.I mean,it's probably just school crush,so it will go away,right?

I wake up and i felt different.It was a good different,if you know what i mean.I got out of bed and i wasnt all sweaty and disgusting and gross.I felt refreshed.I havent felt like since,well you know.

I go downstairs,in my baggy sweatpants,getting a bowl from the cupboard and cereal from the pantry.As I was pouring the milk in to the bowl,I get a text from from an unknown number.

hey its Elizabeth,your next door neighbour?

Oh hey!

Renamed as Liz <33

Liz <33
So you wanna hang out today?
im sorta bored and i dont wanna
clean rn

yeah sure! tell me when and
time and I'll be there

Liz <33
At ur house and now.

I look at my phone in confusion.The doorbell rings.I look up almost immediently and i walk to the door.When I open it,I see Liz standing there,all smile-y."You ready?" Lizzie saids as i open the door."I havent even eaten anything yet" I say looking at my cereal behind me. "Good,cus were going somewhere to Mcdonalds!"She saids excitedly.

I nod my head sarcastically and let her in the house.She takes a step inside."Nice house." She saids giving her eyes a tour of the house."Well,you should say that to my mother,she bought this house." I say to her.She starts to walk around the place,giving herself more of an idea of what the house looks like."Lizzie um Im gonna change now,if you want you can wait in my room! Only if you want to though." I say leaving the kitchen. "Sure!" She saids.

We walk upstairs to my room. "Make yourself comfortable." I say as we enter my room. She sits down on my bed,wriggling around."Your bed's comfy!" She saids to me,jumping up and down. "Uh thanks,i guess?" I question.

I finish getting dressed and we both go downstairs."MOM IM GOING FOR A BIT,BYE!" I shout.I close the door and we get in Lizzie's car.It feels warm,like when you're infront of a fire.Lizzie starts drivng to McDonalds drive through.As she drives out,with our food on her lap,we go find a parking a parking spot.

As we were eating,Lizzie blasts music from her phone.She put the music on shuffle.Girl in Red came on and she quickly turned it off.She looked embarrassed. "You okay?" I asked her. "Uh yeah.I um." She tries to find the words to say something.

Lizzie's Pov

I didnt realise i put the songs on shuffle and Girl in Red came on."Hey it's alright,you dont have you dont have to say anything." She saids smiling at me. I nod at her and we continue eating.

We finish out food and we start to drive around. "Where are we going?" Y/n looked at confused. "Around."I say,keeping my eyes on the road. "Um hey about earlier..." I begin to say. "Hey it's fine you dont have to say anything if you dont want to." She reassures me. "I kinda want to tell you anyway." She looks at me and nods.

"Well it all kinda started when I was in college,I had a huge crush on this girl.I confessed to her about my feelings but she didnt like me back.Turns out,she had a boyfriend.After that i tried to convince myself that i was straight and not into girls.I even dated some guy next door to my dorm,but nothing worked and i just had except the fact the i liked girls." I finish saying to her. "You know you didnt have to tell me all of that.Gosh lizzie,who knew you were so dramatic." she said sarcastically.I punch her arm playfully.We drive around trying to find a place to hang out for a bit.

We find ourselves at a park.We walk around for a bit to stretch out.As we find a bench and sit down we start talking for awhile. "Um hey you got a little something there from the food earlier." She saids pointing where the stain was.I completely miss,so decides to wipe it her self.As she wipes off the stain,her hand was on my face,cupping it.Our faces were pretty close to eachother,almost touching lips.

We were just about to,but Y/n gets a call from her brother,Oliver.She takes her warm hand of my face and answers the phone. " Sorry,i gotta take this." She apologises.I nod and she walks for around,while on the phone.

As she comes back,she sits back down beside me. "Sorry about that,it was my brother checking up on me." she saids to me. "No you're alright.Um hey,it's getting late,we should probably get going." I say,trying to forget what just happened a few minutes ago. "Yeah we probably should." She agrees with me.

We arrive home and i walk her to her door. "That was pretty fun,not gonna lie." She admits. "Yeah it was." I say smiling at her. "We should do it again tomorrow." She saids. "Mhm we should." I answer her back. "Well see you tomorrow then." I say,ending the night. "See you tomorrow." She said back to me.Before she unlocks the door open,she presses her lips against mt cheek.I could feel myself going red.She smiles and waves goodbye.

I open the door to my house.I really enjoyed today,i really did.Honestly,that smile is the one thing i could keep looking at every single day.I walk up to my bedroom,all dressed up for bed,I think to myself... "I think,Im inlove with my next door neighbour." Oops

Authors note

I'll try to keep updating this story,im just really busy with school so i'll try my best to <33

- abstickle

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