Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

I drove home as fast as I could. I was driving so fast, it felt like we were flying, in the most horrifying  way possible. I'm pretty sure I skipped 2 red lights because of how worried and terrified I was for my brother.

Lizzie's POV 

She was practically speeding and illegally skipping lights. When we were on the road, she was ranting about how her brother might be in the in someone's basement, and how it could be the person next door.

"He even might be dea-"

"Hey. Don't say that, okay?"

I stop her dreadful sentence that might be true or false.

I take hand from the wheel and rest it with mine. She calms down and slows down a bit.

Y/n's pov

I grabbed the door handle and flung the door open.

When I did, there was 2 policemen siting with and talking with my mother. There were two others, just in the livingroom.

"What the fuck is happening !?!?" I shout in question.

"Just some safety precautions." On cop responds, sitting beside my mother.

"Hey, hey cmon Y/n, let's go and get some rest, okay?" Lizzie holds me back.

She guides me upstairs and I give a death glare to one of the police officers. But I reject her. 

"You're supposed to be looking for my brother! Not here flirting with my mother!"

"1. I am not flirting with you and 2. like I said, this is only precaution." 

Lizzie's POV 

"Yeah sure." Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed while walking towards me and mumbling "You fucking douchebag." But thankfully no one heard apart from me.

As I pulled her arm to drag her u the stairs and got to her room, she finally spoke up.

"Liz..." She paused for a minute.  "I'm sorry...about that." she makes a circular motion with her hand. "I'm just...I can't just sit here doing nothing. And who knows how long he's been gone for? What if..." before she saids anything else, interrupt.

"Hey. We're not gonna start with does kind of questions again. okay?" 

"Right, sorry." she rubs the back of her neck.

"No need to say sorry for anything."

There a comfortable silence for a good five seconds.

"Come over here, would you?" I pat my hand beside me as a gesture.

Y/n walks over and sits down and lays her hand on my shoulder.

"Come on." I bring her up to her bed and let her lay there. I was about to leave when she grabbed my hand.

"Come here, would you?" mimicking me from three seconds ago, patting her hand beside her, gesturing me to lay beside her.

I do as she said and get into the bed with her. I turn around, looking at her face, as she sleeps peacefully. I hesitantly wrap my arm around her waist to hug her, as she does as well.


Y/n's POV 

The next morning, I had a huge headache, though I wasn't hungover or anything. I felt a light weight, just wrapped around my waist, and a warm breath, just against my lower chest. I realised it was Lizzie, still asleep. She looked peaceful and cosy.

I made the risky decision to slowly lift lizzie's arm off my waist and get out of bed, to let her rest for a bit, but as I was about to do as I vowed myself to do, Lizzie fluttered her eyes open. 

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked as she yawned audibly 

"Getting out of bed so you can take a little break from me." I associate the you part.

"What do you mean 'take a break from you'? I love spending time with you." She remarked.

I sighed and got up from the bed, leaving Lizzie with a confused look on her face. I walked over to the window beside the bed, looking outside of it. 

"They're still here." I say emotionless.

"Who is?" 

"The cops from yesterday night. You know? The ones who are supposedly looking for my brother ?" I roll my eyes at my own comment.

Lizzie gets up from her spot on the bed and hugs me behind. 

"Hey. They're gonna find him. Okay?" She tries to reassure me.

I rip myself out of Lizzie's arms in such anger.

"But what if they do find him lying in a gutter somewhere? Hmm? Or maybe in someone's house, in their basement, with his head wrapped in a plastic bag? Or maybe-"

"Stop, okay. You're going to drown yourself in dreadful questions you don't want the answers to. Just breathe, alright. They're going to find him, they WILL find him." She repeats her last statement once again.

"Everything will be okay." She gives a peck on my lips,  asking me less tense than I was before.

Just after, my mom came barging into my room. 

"Y/n! They found your brother."


Hey again. I know I'm VERY bad at updating this story. I pretty much forgot about this and I didn't have much inspiration or motivation. This is kinda messy and I'm very sorry for that lol. Also happy late birthday to Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen :)

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