chapter 12

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Previously :

"Y/n! They found your brother."


"What, when?!?" I almost jump out of Lizzie's arms.

"Like 3 hours ago, cmon!" 

Liz and I look at each other at the same time and run downstairs with my mom, as two cops were waiting in front of the kitchen table, gathering as much information as they can. 

Lizzie's POV

All three of us bolted downstairs to the kitchen table. When we did though, something I looked at Y/n, who was smiling like crazy, so left my unusual emotion alone, and joined both, Y/n's and her mother's excitement. 

One cop noticed we were there, so he got up walked over to us. 

"As you probably know, we found you brother. He nearby. Pretty close to this part the area actually." He had a deep voice, and a hint of nervous in it. I don't know about Y/n, but this seems very off to me.

He went on about how close Oliver was, like he was a few minutes before, and started making compliments about Y/n. I got a bit jealous, but not as much as the suspicion I had for this so called cop. 

Still going on about how they could find him in a second because of how close he is to the house and area, I finally decided to interrupt him.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I just steal Y/n for just a second, please?" I tried to make my voice less bored than I already was.

Both Y/n's mom and the cop nodded in acceptance, and I slightly tugged on Y/n's arm for her to get a hint to come with me. 

"What's up? You okay?" She asked

"Yeah, no I'm fine." I rubbed my neck to try to get the words i need to say out of my mouth.

"C'mon Liz, spit it out. What's going on with you? You practically zoned out into you own world there." 

"Yeah, yeah I know, I know. I just." I pause for a minute. "I just feel like  something is off." 

"What do you mean something is off?" She asked another question, one I couldn't answer.

"You know what? It's quite irrelevant and pretty stupid. Just forget about." I try to shrug and laugh it off, but Y/n doesn't buy any of it.

"Something's bothering you. I can feel it, I know it." She grabs my attention.

"I don't know Y/n. Didn't you notice our cop friend over there has been talking about how close your brother is for 3 whole minutes already?" I pause to let her think. "And haven't you also noticed that usually a missing person's report usually takes a good few days, months even? And they found your brother in just a couple of hours?" I rant on to Y/n about my theories. 

"Liz" she finally speaks up. "What are you trying to say here exactly?" She already looks like she knows the answer.

"I'm saying that...maybe they were the ones who took your brother." I say in a doubtful voice.

Y/n sighs in confusion. 

"See? I told you it was stupid." I try to walk away, but Y/n grabs my arms to hold me back.

"No Liz, I see where you're getting at." She agrees with my theories.

"So...what? You don't think I'm crazy?" I ask.

"No I don't think you're crazy, I think you're actually getting further than our little friend here.

She gave me a goofy smirk and we both returned with her mom. 

All of us eventually got bored of this cop's nervous, deep voice and just made up excuses to leave. Both cops eventually left, well...left the house to join their mates outside the house. Both Y/n and I went back upstairs to her room 

As we both reached our destination, Y/n spoke up. 

"So you're saying that...this entire thing is a setup, from the police?" She questions me to make sure.

"I don't entirely know yet bu-" 

"Look Liz. If you're going to make assumptions about this, then please just keeps them to yourself." She said with a tone of annoyance and anger in her voice.

"I'm just saying tha-" 

"That what Liz?!?! That the police could actually be the ones to kidnap my brother? My twin brother?!?"

"Yes, maybe. Okay?" 

"No, no Liz. Not okay. Nothing is okay. Haven't you heard? My brother has just been randomly abducted! And I don't know what to do?" She almost yells.

"And you don't think I know that?! I literally pulled you away from the cops last night for you to avoid the cops." 

"And that's because one of the cops were flirting with my mom?!? God..." She mutters something else low enough for me to not hear.

"Look Im sorry, okay. I was just trying to help-" She interrupts me again.

"Help me? Yeah right! God Elizabeth. You think you're so fucking smart don't you, hmm?" She mockingly pointed her finger in front of my face, as I roll my eyes from her actions.

"Like I said, I was just trying to help you, okay?" I try to avoid an argument between the two of us.


"I THOUGHT I WAS HELPING YOU BUT CLEARLY DIDNT, OKAY I GET IT, IT DIDNT! SO CAN WE PLEASE JUST LEAVE THIS ALONE?" I turn around and briskly clean her desk beside her bed, so my back is facing her.

"No, how about you leave this house!" 

"What?" I turn around, facing her.

"You heard me! I said LEAVE." She points in the direction of the door.

"Fine! I will leave then." I grab my things and leave. 

I rush down the stairs and I bump into Katherine, who looks like she was preparing something for Y/n and I.

"Liz! Where do you think you're going? I heard shouting and yelling upstairs. Is everything okay?" She looks confused that I'm leaving.

"Yeah, no, I don't know, Y/n and I had an argument about this whole thing. Uhh, is it okay if I leave." I say trying to say like I was in a rush to do something.

Just as she was about to say something, I had already left her household. I walked into two officers, who were on there way back into the house. 

"Sorry." I say, avoiding eye contact with the both of them. They both shrugged and continued walking towards the house, as I was walking towards mine.

When I locked the door behind me, I sobbed like a child when the child doesn't get something they want. I drop my things and hug myself for self comfort. 

"God, I'm such a fucking idiot." I whisper to myself.

First I fuck things up with Oliver, now with Y/n. I haven't trusted anyone in my life, nothing like with Y/n. And now, I've screwed it up with her. 

I did the exact same thing with my ex-fiancé, Robbie. The next door neighbour from college, proposed to me, and I said yes. But, the night before the wedding, I told him I wasn't ready, and we fought. He then told me to leave and he never wanted to see me again.

This. This gives me deja vú.

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