Chapter Twelve: The One with The Heatwave

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A/N: IT'S GREYS/19 DAY!!! Thank you all so much for the suggestions on the last chapter - I have tried to incorporate some of them in here so I hope you enjoy! This was was really fun to write!

It also fits in quote nicely with the heatwave episode from last week which was sort of unintentional but worked out really well! What an amazing episode!!

Chapter Twelve:

"Let's get these flames under control!" Maya yelled out. "I want updates!" She radioed.

"Fire is still strong on the Alpha side Captain - hose lines are being carried through as we speak," Andy's voice reported back.

"Copy that Herrera! Miller, Montgomery, Gibson - how is the Charlie-delta side?"

"Not good - we have multiple critical injuries but it's not safe to transport anyone through this!" Gibson replied.

The crew were currently at a port fire, one of the ferry boats had run a technical issue and jammed the brakes causing it to come crashing into a, thankful empty, boat as well as the dock itself.

The fire was raging and it was one the most dangerous fires that Maya had seen in a while - it was currently at a four alarm, and she had no doubt it would move to a five - Battalion Chief Sullivan was already on his way to assist while Maya was currently the Captain in charge with Captain Andrews from Station 10, and Captain Jones of Station 23 along side her.

"How are those flames looking?" Maya asked, jogging over to Jones who's station was in control of running the lines and getting the fire under control that seemed to be coming from everywhere.

"Not good - we're putting everything on it but it's still raging strong Captain!" Jones replied.

"Keep at it - we need to get those victims out, we have multiple critical injuries and they can't get out safely."

"Copy that."

Maya continued walking around the scene, continuing to gather updates from every aspect of the scene. Her mind felt like it was at its peak - it was in these moments where she thrived. She did well under pressure and it was where she was at her best - but she needed a breakthrough. She needed something to shift so she could get these people out, because right now, every time they were close they hit another roadblock.

"Deluca, Warren - how are we doing in triage"? They had managed to rescue some of the front crew, and some passengers who had been at the bow of the boat when the crash had happened.

"The most critical have been sent to Grey Sloan, DeLuca is currently stitching up a man's stomach from a injury and we've attended to all of the burns that had been sustained so far. We have aid cars on call at the hospital is ready for a high inflow of patients as soon as we are ready," Warren replied.

"That's good - thank you Warren - I'll keep you both updated on any changes."

"Copy that Captain."

As soon as Maya released her radio, an additional set of blue and red lights illuminated the dark air.

"Chief," Maya nodded.

"Walk me through it Bishop," Sullivan said, strapping on his helmet as they walked.

"We have Station 10 on hoses, the fire is still going strong - it's volatile with the boat's engine but we are keeping water on it to limit the chances of it exploding but I don't know how long we had before it gets too hot. 19 are on search and rescue, Miller, Gibson and Montgomery are at the Charlie-Delta side with multiple critical injuries but we don't have a safe enough pathway to get them all out. Herrera and Hughes are assisting with 23 on the internal hose lines and are trying to clear a path but are still negative on results.

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