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(A/n: some of the y/n thoughts are mentioned in italics )

A cold wave of breeze hits my body, making me hug my coat really tight. I held my hands close to my chest as I crossed them, not allowing a tiny bit of my skin to expose onto the cold weather. The street lights flickered once and then turned on providing the light in the evening roads. My feet stopped moving along with my thoughts which were running through my mind when I saw the lights on the balcony of my living room.

A sigh left my lips. 'Can he really hear my thoughts?'

'Or did I just speak my thoughts out loud?'

'But I also remember me calling him bunny man, when he still didn't expose his identity to me.'

'And this weird dream of mine which haunted me a couple of days back. In which I was searching for him throughout the cluster of earthquake victimised people. And I found him leaving me and me shouting and searching for him with the name jungkook?'

I shook my head, trying to keep that haunting dream off my mind. I don't want to remember the scene again. It makes me cry unknowingly , dwelling my eyes.

"I'm back." I mumbled slowly, my mind still processing the events from the morning. How could he hear me?

Removing my shoes, I found 6 new pairs of shoes laying at the doorstep. 6 different styles of footwear with different sizes. 'This doesn't belong to him,right?"

I walked into the living room, with my eyes closed and a hand massaging my left shoulder. A deep sigh of relief escaped my mouth when my palm massaged the muscle of my shoulder. 'Working is really tiring.'

I slowly opened my eyes only to see some new handsome faces along with a known handsome and cute face. The guys were sitting in the living room as some of them were occupied on the large and the single couch, while 3 more members were seated comfortably on the ground including the bunny man. I mean, him with some files around them.

I nervously smiled when I found myself gawking at them, especially when my eyes got struck by his figure. He was there, sitting on the floor with his back supporting against the couch. A pen was played between his long fingers with his glasses laying on the bridge of his nose. And his teeth are slightly nibbling on his lower lip.

He put his pen on the table and looked up at me with a smile. "I'm sorry for d-disturbing you all. You seemed to be busy. I-I'll get going." I bowed to them and was about to walk away but someone called my name, making me turn back.

"What is it?" A held a presentable smile. If he was a king then the people around him must also be some royals like him.

He stood up on the ground, walking towards me. He took my hand in his, walking more into the living room. "Y/n, meet my friends. They are the ones who raised me." He smiled showing his bunny teeth.

"Hello. I'm y/n. Nice to meet you all." I bowed again and looked up at them who were busy looking at me with the excited look on their faces.

"Hi y/n! I'm namjoon." One of them who was having the vibes of an intellectual scholar held his hand out for me to shake. I gladly accepted it.

"I'm Taehyung! Nice to meet you!" A tall brown haired guy with his unique box type smile gave me a High five.

"I'm your hope! you're my hope! I'm J-hope!" A cheerful smile along with an energetic human jumped onto the floor and did a dance step. Hehe, his smile is brighter than my future.

A short yet sweet guy who's taller than me came into the view and said "Hello! My name is Jimin. Nice to meet you my sister-in-l—'' He received a smack on his head by another tall guy.

"What!? I'm addressing her correctly—'' he was again cut off by this bunny growling.

"Jimin-ssi!!" His cheeks flushed red.

"Shut up kook! I'm your hyung. You should be respecting me." The short one received a tskk from the bunny man I mean mr. jeon.

"Anyways nice to meet you." He smiled as his eyes went in the form of a crescent.

"I'm Yoongi." A cold vibe giving man spoke before peeping back into the file which is in his hands. "And finally! I'm worldwide handsome guy, Jin. Kim Seok jin. Do you know, my mirror is so lucky, because it gets to see my handsome face everyday." He smiled at me, but received a bunch of rolling eyes and some murmurs from the guys.

"Stop it hyung, we hear this 'worldwide handsome' thing every second from you." The handsome guy turned back to Namjoon and gave a long lecture at the speed of Usain bolt.

"Nice to meet you. And you're really worldwide handsome." I tried to speak to him after his little session of scoldings but I felt something tightening on my hand. I looked down to see my hand entangled with his hand, with our fingers interlaced.

A blush surely appeared on my face. His hand is so big compared to mine. His hands were warm and mine were totally filled with the cold.

"N-nice to meet you all. I will be back soon." I excused myself from them slowly taking my hand away from him as I reached the door of my bedroom.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I held my cheeks which were so warm and hot. "Cool down y/n. He just held your hand." I rubbed my cheeks with my palms trying to remove the hotness on my face before deciding to take a warm shower in this cold weather outside.

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I know this is a boring and not fun chapter. I'm gonna make it up for you guys. Also I noticed that there are a lot of silent readers for this book. I hope you guys can vote and comment your opinions and ideas for the next chapters and some scenes. And....have a nice day people and stay gold! Stay healthy!

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