19 pt. 2

259 29 16

(Note: Dialogues with normal text would be in the female protagonist mother tongue
Sentences with italics are the dialogues in korean)

Tales of heart
Pt. 2

Losing you

The charming clouds which laid across the blue sky shone in the morning sunshine. The graceful green fields danced side to side when the breeze blew across them. The sound of birds chirping played a mesmerizing tune to the people, who were busy going to the fields for work. The sound of the cow's moo can be heard along with the happy atmosphere of the area. Group of Men on their cycles going to work with some lunch packed by their dear ones, the women balancing pots skilfully on their head, bringing the water from the nearby river. This reminds us of the wonderful atmosphere of the village.

Humming to her favorite tune, her anklets rhythmically voiced to give a beautiful sound. A beautiful smile planted on her soft lips as she hugged her legs close to her chest. Sitting by the river side, she closed her eyes, feeling the presence of the light sun rays on her body, her soul relaxed. It's her favorite place under a tree where she spends the time every morning, trying to get her mind and soul calmed.

"Sita!" A voice startled her, making her open her black alluring orbs, stopping her hum for a second and looking back at the owner of the voice. She rested her hands down, bending over them, to glance at the person. It's Mira, her best friend of 10 years.

The brown tanned girl with her gorgeous jet black hair, walked to her. "Sita, you got a call! Your mother asked you to come back at this moment." She said, sitting beside you, playing with the grass, laid across the ground.

Groaning, Sita shuffles a bit, leaning her head on her shoulder, "is it really needed to go now?"

"You must go, I don't want to see your mom showing her furious form. She turns into a devil if you don't go now." Chuckling, Mira pats her friend's shoulder. "Come home around lunch, we will give some excuses and escape from there. Okay?" Waving a bye to her friend, Sita rushes back to her home.

Sita, the Daughter of Mr. Rao. Their family is kind and heartwarming. People mostly opt to go to their house to seek out the fights or to get some judgements to their problems. Mr. Rao , he's the solution for people. He opts for simplicity. Their family is known for purity and plainness. Being the daughter of Mr. Rao, Sita is known for her warm hearted and generous nature. She was loved by all. She was good to others and also people cared for her. And her beauty is no joke.

Within a few minutes, Sita made it to her home. She jogged on her toes walking inside. "What is it,Amma? You called for me.." she asked her mom who was busy with some household work. Sita washed her legs entering inside her house, strolling towards her mother.

"Mr. Roy's grandson and his family are arriving today for lunch. You need to be here. He wants to discuss something with your father."

"But Amma I've some important things to run around." Sita held her lehenga up as she strolled around the house following her mom.

"Nothing doing. Either you cancel them or postpone them. You have to be here." She looked at you, handing you a pot.

"First go and bring some water." "But don't we have the water at home?"

"Aish this girl! The grandson is from abroad. It would be nice if we serve some fresh water." She groaned holding the pot, walking outside to bring the fresh water. "Now I've to go all the way to bring them." Sita held the pot by her waist, walking towards their aunt's house for the well to get the pure, and fresh drinking water.

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