E.P. 2 An Old friend

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The camera opens up to Io walking down the street walking in hero costume. He waves to a few people as they pass him. They stare at him with wide eyes and take a few photos. He keeps walking until he reaches a store and someone familiar walks out. She's carrying a bunch of bags full of food.

 She's carrying a bunch of bags full of food

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She turns around and sees Ketsueki.

Inko:"Ketsueki? Is that you?"

Io:"Inko! It's been awhile."

She smiles.

Inko:"It sure has. What like 16 years?"

Io:"Yeah, you're not that young girl I used to know. You're all grown up now."

Inko chuckles.


Io grabs a few of her bags.

Io:"Let me help you."

Inko:"Oh, thank you Ketsueki."

They start walking to her house.

Io:"It'll give us time to catch up."


They enter her house.

Io:"So you have a son?"

Inko:"Yeah, His name is Izuku."

Io:"Oh, how old is he?"

They bring the bags into the kitchen.

Inko:"He's 14, he's grown up so fast."

Io:"Where's his father?"

Inko looks a little sad.

Inko:"He's busy working overseas."

He and Inko put the food away.

Inko:"Might I tempt you to stay for dinner?"

Io cheeks his non existent watch. Then then nods.

Io:"Well, I guess I could. I'm not exactly working now, so I got time."

Inko:"All right. Now I can prove to you I can cook!"

Io rubs his chin.

Io:"If I remember the last time you cooked for me, you almost killed me."

A thought bubble arrapers next to him showing him foaming from the mouth and purple faced. A younger Inko is freaking out.

Inko:*Nervous chuckles.* "I said I was sorry about that."

Io laughs and wavers her off.

Io:"It's fine."

He then pulls out his phone and texts someone. Then he puts his phone away.

Io:"Well what are we having?"

Io's Story: My Hero Academia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now