E.P. 4 Greatness

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(I know some of you may hate me for this but I'm skipping most parts of Start Line. There isn't many places I can put Io in.)

The camera opens up to the front of U.A. Izuku is narrating.

Izuku:"The hallowed ground of UA... The school with the best hero training course in the world, the place every kid want to go. Sure, there are similar programs out there, but they don't hold a candle to UA's, which is why it's almost impossible to get in. The school's alumni list is a 'who's who' of idols."


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Izuku:"All Might, the most famous pro there is."


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Izuku:"The legendary peacekeeper, with the most wins under his belt. The Fiery Hero: Endeavor."


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Izuku:"Not to mention the denim-clad, award-winning marvel, Best Jeanist."


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Io's Story: My Hero Academia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now