E.P. 10 Game Over

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(This episode will barley have Io in it. It's basically just the 'Game Over' episode but just from Izuku's side.)

The camera opens up to Tsuyu, Izuku and Mineta walking away from a sinking boat and a bunch of villain caught together in Metata's balls. (Don't take that the wrong way!)

Mineta:*Chuckles.* "I had a good poop this morning,which makes my balls stickier. They're not goin' anywhere!"

Izuku is in pain from using is Quirk on his fingers.

Izuku:*Mutters.* "Can't believe we managed to get all of 'em at once. It took everything I had to keep my composure. It was such a gamble, what if they'd had reserves underwater that we didn't know about? They could've..."

Tsuyu:*Izuku keeps muttering.* "You're creeping me out. Stop it. Please."

Izuku:*He looks to Tsuyu.* "Instead of second guessing what we did, shouldn't we think about out next move?"

Izuku:"Yeah, You're totally right. Ah--" *He groans in pain from his broken Thumb and middle finger on his left hand.*

Tsuyu:"Are you okay?"

Izuku:"Yeah. Fine. Don't worry about me. We should make getting help our top priority!" *He points to the shore.** "If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the central plaza entirely."

Tsuyu:"Good idea. That way we don't run into the villains Mr. Aizawa's facing off with there." 

They look off to where Aizawa is fighting.

Izuku:'Yeah, but, can he handle them on his own? How long can he hold out against a big group like that?'

Izuku:"If he doesn't get some backup, then he's just going to overexert himself. He'll end up defeated by those villains 'cause he was trying to keep us safe."

Mineta:"*Gasps.* "Wait. Don't tell me you're suggesting...? Are you trying to get us killed or something?"

Izuku looks to the two.

Izuku:"I'm not saying that we should jump into the middle of a battle. But..." *He looks back to where Aizawa is.* "Maybe we can find a way to take a few of those guys out and lighten his load."

Izuke:*Voice over.* "We'd had our first real fight and won, but that only gave us false hope. It made us think our powers could actually work against the enemy. We'd soon learn how wrong we were."

After a while the three reach the shore.

Mineta:*Whispers.* "Remember, Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, right?"

Tsuyu:*Whispers.* "Ribbit."

Izuku:"Yeah. I know." *They look over the edge of the shore.* "We'll get outta here the second it seems dangerous."

They see Aizawa kicking villain butt. 

Then Shigaraki charges at Aizawa. 

Aizawa:"Final Boss."

Aizawa rushes at him.

Aizawa elbows Shigaraki in the gut and the three kids watching Gasp. But Shigaraki grabs His elbow. 

Shigaraki:"It was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I've found your tell. It's your hair." *Shigaraki start to disintegrate Aizawa's elbow.* "When it drops, it means you've stopped using your Quirk. You're having to blink more often."

The three kids gasp.

Shigaraki:"Don't push yourself too hard, now. You might just fall apart. Wouldn't that be a shame?"

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