E.P. 7 Let Them Fight

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The camera opens up to Io, All Might and the rest of the class in the monitoring room watching Bakugo and Izuku fight.

Io:'Now's your time to shine, Izuku.'

Kirishima:"Hey, who's Bakugo talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?"

All Might points to his earpiece.

All Might:"He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started. Along with a map of the building. Also, This," *He pulls out some capture tape.* "A roll of capture tape! Wrapping this around your opponent mean you've apprehended them, and they're out for the rest of the game."

Mina:"So, there's a 15-minute time limit, and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?"

All Might:"Correct."

Mina:"Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!"

All Might:"Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!"

Jiro gasps and Kirishima laughs.

All Might:"All together!"

All Might, Students:"Let's hear a Plus Ultra!"

Io has been silent the whole time, he's been focused on the screens. With a more serious face on.

Aoyama:"Monsieur. He's on the move."

All Might:*Turns back to the screens.* "Hmm?"

Bakugo rushes at Izuku and they fight. Izuku dodges a punch from Bakugo.

Sato:"The little guy's really good!"

Sero:"He's holding his own and he hasn't even used his Quirk yet!"

Izuku runs away and Bakugo runs after him. Bakugo gets really angry.

Kaminari:"That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary..."

Io:'Come on Izuku fight him.'

Izuku is sitting around a corner and Bakugo is still looking for him. Ochaco found the weapon. Tenya is trying to act like a villain. Ochaco laughs and reveals that she's there. Tenya starts to monologue. Bakugo then finds Izuku.

Bakugo then aims his right grenade gauntlet at Izuku and grabs a pin. 

All Might grabs a microphone.

All Might:"Young Bakugo! Don't do it! You'll kill him!"

Bakugo:*Radio* "He'll be fine as long as he dodges!"

All Might looks to Io in worry but Io keeps staring at the screens, watching the fight.

Bakugo pulls the pin on his gauntlet and it shoots out a big explosion that Izuku barely dodges and blows up a good portion of the hallway. It shakes the whole training area.

The monitoring room shakes and The students gasp.

Kirishima:"Whoa, whoa! This's nuts!"

All Might:"Come in! Come in. Midoriya!"

The smoke clears to show that Izuku is mostly alright. Bakugo talks to Izuku and then Izuku talks to Ochaco on his radio and that makes Bakugo mad.

Kirishima:"Sirs, isn't this getting outta hand? That Bakugo is acting real crazy. He's gonna kill 'im!"

All Might:"Not so." *He then talks into the mic.* "Bakugo use that stored-up power again and I'll stop this fight. Your team will lose."

Bakugo:*Radio* "Huh?"

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