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   Mr. Shen looking so disappointed  at Shen Wei.  When Yunlan promise to marry him.

   "Are you mad?!!! Both of you are alphas! Society will shun your existance!" Yunlan fall on his knees, "If so? Why Xiao Wei  get pregnant shu shu?!" Mr. Shen went quiet for awhile  and think what to say.

   "Did your family know about this?" He diverted the question. Yunlan look at Shen Wei  whose  looking pale.  "No sir! But...." He was cut off. "Then it means we have time to take off the child!" Shen Wei  and Yunlan was shocked. "NO SIR! I WON'T  ALLOW IT! IT'S OUR CHILD!!!"

   Mr. Shen look sternly at Yunlan, "Then will you take a risk? To be shaun by the public or unless....." Yunlan's  eyes suddenly  have hope. He want to save his future child and his relationship to Yezun. "What sir?! Anything shu shu!!!" Yunlan was desperate.

  "Your gonna be the omega! And announce it to the world before you married my son!" Shen Wei  went paler, "No Ah Lan!!!" But his father glared at him making him back away. "It will be your family's greates humiliation! Keeping from the world your an alpha instead of an omega! Can you do that?!"  Yunlan almost faint on that spot.

   "Wait! They will know my scent?!" Mr. Shen smirk, "Dr. Lin Jing will give you a perfume to scent like an omega! That's  all! Nothing will change your still an alpha! But your scent is an omega! And will announce that your carrying the child instead of my son!"

   Yunlan think, "What about Yezun he will have baby bump!" Mr. Shen chuckled, "We will tell them he got fat while you will be given a prosthetic baby bump so they might not get suspicious! So are you willing or not?! Because I don't  want my son to loose being an alpha  in my company!"

   It's  been two days Mr. Shen given to Yunlan to tell to his family what will happen.  Mr. Zhao was reading a news paper while his wife making them breakfast for them. "Dad! Ma! I got to tell you something!" His father laid down his newspaper  while his mother stop cooking.

   "I got someone  pregnant!" As Yunlan was ready to be punch by his father. But instead his father dance for joy with his mother. "I'm gonna be a grandfather! Yohooo!!!"
Yunlan smile seeing his parents are happy. But the next thing make them frown, "It's  Yezun! And his father have a condition before marrying him!"

   His parents are shocked, "WHAT?!!!" Xin ci became serious. "An alpha can't  get pregnant! How can he?!" The second condition of Mr. Shen making Xin ci boil in anger, "HE WANT WHAT?!!! ANNOUNCE THE WORLD THAT YOUR AN OMEGA!!! SO HIS SON WON'T  BE SHUN BY THE WORLD!!! WHILE OUR FAMILY  WILL BE HUMILIATED BY SAYING YOUR AN OMEGA!!!" Xin ci shouted outside in frustration.  Making his neighborhood shout back at them.

   "Your the one to be quiet Max!!!" Shout Xin ci to his neighbor whose dirty fingering him. Mrs. Zhao calmed  down his raging husband.  "Please darling! They have a reason!" Xin ci can't  believe  what his hearing from his wife. "Reason? REASON!!! THEY'RE  CONDEMING MY POOR INNOCENT  SON!!!! HIS MY ONLY CHILD!!! LOOK AT HIM!!! HIS AN ANGEL!!!" That made Yunlan sweat.

   "Angel?! My foot! He always  get in trouble like you!" And hit Xin ci on the shoulder. "Ma! Dad! Help me! If I didn't  do it they will take off the baby! And it might endager my wife to be!" His parents look at each other worried. They have no choice but to agree.

    The next day each families meet, Xin ci looking suspicious  at Yezun that  something off about  him. Eventhough his an alpha as they said. His feature is soft  like an omega. Mr. Shen quickly gave them the papers that Yunlan will do that made Xin ci almost crumpled it in anger. But seeing Yezun look worried made his heart soft.

   "Why Yezun have a heartless father! Poor kid! If only his my son I will glady make him free to choice! Not like this!" Yunlan nudge his father in thinking if he agree on this thing. Their company will  be tarnish a little  but his partners are his friends so they will understand this ridiculous  thing. His only worried  is his son.

   He will be humiliated for the rest of his life. "Yezun! The one thing I want is you to love and be loyal to my son! Nothing else matter. Shen Wei  smile, "Shu shu! I will love Ah Lan....I mean Yunlan forever and stay loyal to him!" That added more suspicious  when Yezun smile at him. "That's not Yezun's smile he always smirk? Then who is this guy?" Xin ci wonder. While Yunlan and Shen Wei  hugged together in happiness. As they set the wedding and the venue.

   When Yunlan and his parents went home. "Son! Are you sure his Yezun?" Yunlan was surprised  hearing that from his father. "Dad! Yezun haven't  got any siblings! I knew him since were a child!" Xin ci think and just pat him, "Be ready to be a good wife! And no more looking at other omega! I don't  want my son inlaw Yezun have a problem with you!" While ruffling his hair. But stll Xin ci think that something different  from the Yezun he knew.

   First thing Yunlan done is to called his close friend Da quing  and Zhu Hong. Who was happy and shocked on the news. "You what?!!! Are  you crazy!!!" Da quing  about to faint. "I never knew your bottom and an omega?!!! Are  you really pregnant?!!! But your scent?!!!" Ask Zhu Hong.

   Yunlan lied as he told his using a perfume  to take off his omega scent and replacing it with an alpha scent. "Liar! I know who are you and your not an omega!!!" Da quing  was a bit hurt and left hurriedly.

   "Sorry Yunlan! You know Da quing  is like your didi that you never have. Why now just  tell us? Is it true your an omega? We can't  believe  it! Sorry!" As she hurriedly  left.  Yunlan was speechless  and can't  utter a word. The news spread like wildfire and became a grape vine making his parents looking  so horrible. "They lied about their son's sex!" Murmered  one of the gossipers. "Maybe that's  why  his son is such a flirt!" The other said.

    Shen Wei  can't  bear to hear the chattering of other people and tried to find Yunlan. Whose waiting at him outside  of his office. Shen Wei look sorry toward him and embrace him as he apologized  to what his father have done. "Ignore them! The important  thing is our child! I want him to have a complete  and happy family!" And kiss him.

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