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Flowers stopped appearing at the park. I wondered what was going through the other gardener's mind. Whatever it was, I was sure it was related to the disappearance of the blooms. I realized I didn't know the kid's name, but I knew I'd recognize him if I saw him again.

However, I stopped seeing him at the park ever since that day. Eventually, the flowers started coming back, but the kid did not.

I met Jade at the park to discuss what happened.

"So... a kid was picking your flowers for his sister, but ever since you confronted him, he disappeared," she observed. "Maybe he felt guilty."

"I think he feels guilty. I wanted to give him a sunflower for his sister, but he never showed up," I sighed.

"Well, you'll just have to wait it out. He's probably very upset about her," Jade told me.

I skipped the midnight walk that night so I'd have enough energy to go to the park in the afternoon. Nobody was there, despite it being a short school day. I sat at the planters with a cup in my hand. It was the mini sunflower I was growing for Kaori.

I heard light footsteps approaching me from behind and I turned around to see the kid.

"Oh, it's you," the kid murmured quietly.

"I have a gift for you and your sister. By the way, I never got your name." I told him my name, handing him the potted sunflower sprout.

"I'm Kai," he responded and took it in his hands. "Kaori would love this, I can't wait for it to grow bigger," he seemed a little happier upon seeing the sprout.

"Of course, bring it to her for me," I told him. He agreed and thanked me, walking down the path he came from.

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