Chapter 2~ Lets do it!!

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"Today's the day" you say to yourself,
You where finally going to do it you was Going to join military, you was no where near scared you just told yourself "if eiji can do I can"

You jump on the carriage to the training camps
You line up you see a old man walk across "what's you name"
You put you right hand on your heart and your left hand behind you back just like eiji showed you
"(Y/n)(l/n) sir!" He seemed impressed.

You went to the hall have a break and you wanted to meet you new team you walked in, to see eren and armin and mikasa, you wave they wave back
"Hey long time no see" you smiled
"How are yo-" but before you could finish you see a boy looking at you
"Can I help you"you ask
"Oh I was just wondering what your name was"
"(Y/n)" you answer him
"Nice name" he said "I'm jean nice to meet ya"

The door then burst open "every one it's time to rest get ready for your training tomorrow
"We'll I guess il see you around" jean smiled.
You get up and walk to your room when you arrive you dive on you bed.
It's not the nicest thing to sleep on but it will do "well (y/n)" you said to yourself "I did it" you get dressed into you night stuff and lie on you bed you think about your mum, and then fall asleep.

Hey I really hope your enjoying this if you are please tell me thanks so much for reading I will update nearly every day

Also I know there really short i will make the next one much much longer

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