Chapter 43 ~ tommorow

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Ok so before we start I just wanna say:

I was planning to make this story long and have lots of moments with levi while under the hood but you guys didn't seem to like it so my ideas have gone out the window and now I'm gunna yolo it and the story is gunna be shorter and end sooner

Thanks for understanding

-------chapter 43-----

You watch Levi put the book in his draw.

You really didn't know what to say the only thin that piped in your mind was the wall block exposition.

"Umm captain" you said as you re ordered the books on the shelves.

He looks at you
"When is the wall block?" You asked

"In two days" he said blankly

'What!' You said to yourself 'why didn't they tell us'

"Finally" you said putting the last book I the shelf

There was a silence
"Sir I think finished" you said

He didn't even look up from his desk
"Dismissed" he said

You walk out the room a little confused why he didn't look around at your work but you just shrug it off.

"Now what?" You said aloud
But you jump slightly when you feel a hand on your shoulder.

You turn around to see Hange with a crazy look in her eyes
"Have you finished cleaning?" She asked

You step back slightly, creating more of a distance between both of you.

"Yeah, why?" you said

Her face lit up like a lightbulb
"Well no one is here, so i guess that makes you my helper"

You was confused what does she mean by helper?

"W-what are you talking about?" You said
"Experiments!" She said "you should see the new Titan we got!"

"Um ok" you said
"Great lets go!" She said grabbing your wrist.

'I don't think this is a good idea' you told yourself

Sh dragged you through the torch lit halls.

Until you both reached the tent of the Titan.

Hange looked excited as ever
"I-" you tried to say but you was cut off when Hange dragged you through the doors.

There was other people there from hanges squad.

It was still light out.

You saw a Titan in the middle trying to get out.

You really didn't like seeing it in pain.
But your a human and humans are suppose to hate them.

"Hange?" You mumbled
She looked at you with wide eyes "yeah?"

"Can I calm it down?" You said under your hood

She raised a brow "go ahead"

You moved closely, after 'living' with Titans, you have learnt a lot about them.

There as scared as humans are but Titans are just stupid and want to eat.

You move closer towards it slowly.

It tried to bite you, but you didn't flinch.

Just like a dog you need to show it who's boss, or like a pack of wolfs there's only one leader.

You made your eyes turn red, the Titan definitely felt your present and stopped trying to get out.

You walked towards it and placed your hands on its forehead.

It was hot but the burning didn't bother you.

There was mumbles all around you
But you herd Hange say


Ok bare with me for just one more chapter
The hood will be coming of just please please please give me one more chapter and then you and Levi can, you know what.

I know I hate giving excuses but

I want to make the 'hood taking off proses' to be dramatic making the story better.

Not just like BAM there in the middle of the fucking mess hall.

So please just bare with me while I get ideas

I'm really sorry if you didn't like it

I promise to make it better

*hands cookie sadly*

Till next time


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