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You finally arrived at the hq.
"We're here" you hear someone shout
You start getting butterfly's in your tummy the cart stops and it's time for you to get out.

You step out the cart and look at the hq it looks more like a castle then a hq.
"Attention"you hear someone shout you instantly salute, you then see someone with black hair with a careless emotionless face.
"This is captain Levi"he pointed at the short man
"Tch"he said
"He will give the commands around here and you must do as your told"he shouted "levi what's you orders"

"Clean"he said and walked away
We all looked very confused but did what we was told, you wasn't bothered you love cleaning.

You started in the kitchen wiping every counter clean, making sure that every piece of cutlery was sparkling shiny and every plate was so clean you could see you reflection in it.

You start humming a tune while you mop the floor you didn't realise that captain levi was watching you
"Oi brat" you jump
"Oh sorry captain I didn't see you" you point out
"tch" he looked around "you've done a good job" he said and walks off
"Wow" you heard another person say "levi never complements people"
You turn around and see a man
"Oh how Rude off me I'm Gunther Schultz"
You salute "I'm (y/n) (l/n)"
"Nice meet you, well carry on with the good work" and he leaves you alone
You manage to do the kitchen, the hall and you organised your bedroom.

It was dark outside and you wasn't hungry so you decided to skip dinner and just relax on your bed

'Maybe I should train'

You thought to yourself
You get out of bed and start to walk to the training hall you start warming up with push ups and sit ups and then you start punching dolls and you try not to break it this time.

But it didn't last long yet again you broke it, you sigh and get a broom to clean it up.

~~~~~~~one month later~~~~~~~~~

"Ahhhhhh!" you scream a titan has you in his mouth he bites and you feel so much pain

"Ahhh!" You wake up sweating and breathing heavily, you realise it was a dream you get up and get into your uniform you walk out your room, you walk to the hall to get something to eat.

"(Y/n) captain Levi wants to talk to you"
You heard Petra say
You sigh
"What dose that short prick want" you asked

"Dunno"Petra giggled

You meet Petra while cleaning and you made very good friends with her, she was kind, and polite and always wanted to help.

You turn around and start to walk to captain Levi's office, when you arrive you knock on the door
"State your name and business"you hear a cold voice say

"(Y/n) (L/n) um, you wanted to talk to me"
"Oh yes come in"
You walk into the room you wasn't surprised how clean it was
"Sit" you hear him say
You sit down on a chair in front of his desk

"Um sir why did you call for me?" You ask
He's emotionless eyes looked at you "I've been watching you train for the last month your stamina,speed,strength are top level"
You smile at his words
"That's why I need some on like you on my team!"
"What?!" You asked shocked and confused
"Will you join the special operations squad"
"But sir..."
"Call me Levi" he interrupted
"um ok Levi" it was wired calling him Levi you hesitate not really knowing what to say, you finally made you mind up

"I would love to join the special operation squad!"
"Good" he replied "pack your stuff, and il get Petra to show you your new room"
"Thank you sir"
"Dismissed"you hear him say

You get up not really sure what just happened, but you see Petra
Running up the hall

"Oh (y/n) what happened"she asked
"Guess" you smiled but before she she could guess
"I'm in the special operations squad!"

Petra just smiled but soon started blushing as levi walk past and asked
"Petra, take (y/n) to her new room"
"Ooookayy" she stuttered
Levi walked off
You just laugh at her
She nudges you and look around making sure no one was there
"I can't help it"she whispers

"Never mind" I said
You go to your room and pack your stuff, Petra shows you to your new room, witch is right next to hers

You walk into your new room a sigh at all the dust , you roll up your sleeves, put your (H/c) hair in a bun and got strait to work, you start wiping all the dust away then you start sweeping the floor as you do so, you started humming a tune you once you finish sweeping you start to make your bed flattening the blanket making sure there's no creases.

You then get a knock on the door
"It's time for dinner, brat!" You hear oluo shout.
You opened the door he was shocked by how tidy you room was.
You smirked at his expression and walked to the new dinner hall.

When you walked in every one looked confused
"Levi? What's she doing here"eld asked
"She's our new member" levi said picking up his cup in his own way
You smiled.

You sat down at the table with a cup of coffee as you hear the door burst open standing there was a girl with brown hair and glasses
"What do you want Hange?" Levi asked
"Where's the new girl?" She asked
Levi pointed to you
She ran up to you but tripped, you quick reflexes kicked in you jumped and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Wow your fast"she said
"Thanks" you replied
"Levi, I now see why you picked her"
"Tch" still with no emotion

"Levi can (y/n) do some experiments with me tomorrow?" Hange asked
"Whatever" he said sipping his coffee
"Great (y/n) meet me outside tomorrow morning"

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