Chapter 3 ~ try

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You wake up to the sound of bells, it's Time for training.
You feel excited but scared you look in the small mirror on the wall, you sort out your hair and put your uniform on and walk outside.

You see the commander "today, we will be testing your balance with this model of 3dmg"he shouts
You wait for your turn everyone can do it , so you can "(y/n) it's your tern) you hear him say.
You breath in and out.
You get lifted up and you doing it , you smile but you suddenly you loose you balance you try to stay up but go face first into the ground "what!!" You tell yourself ,
your nose was bleeding and your lip spilt open

but you didn't care "sir please let me try again"
"Lower her"he said
You return to the ground
"Change belts with Thomas" he said you was confused.
You take your belt off and take Thomas's belt.

"Take two" you said to yourself, they lifted you back into the air you heart racing, you was surprised you didn't fall, wait you didn't fall, you managed to stay up for along time, they lower you to the ground
"Your belt was broken" he said "I hope to see you in training"

You smiled the biggest smile you was so happy. "I did it eiji" you whispered to yourself

"Well done" you hear a voice behind you, it was jean
"Thanks"you answered
"I'm surprised you did it, but let's get some ice for your face"
You go with him to get some Ice.

You walk to the infirmary, you sit down jean gets some ice and you jumped as he softly places the Ice on your lip and nose

The swelling went down and it didn't hurt any more
"Thanks jean" you smiled
"No problems" he answered

"Well il see you tomorrow" you wave and walk to your room, you go to your room and looked in the mirror you laugh at yourself because of you lip and nose it was still light outside so you decide to work out.

You start doing push ups, you push yourself "99, 100" you counted you felt yourself sweating you finally got to 200 and stopped.

Your arms ache but you didn't care you decided to get some air and too cool off, so you left your room and walked down the hall and finally got out side.

The cold wind felt good you undo you top button of you shirt, you find a tree and lie under it and looked at the sky,it was dark now but you looked at all the little lights in the sky.

You lay there for about a hour staring and thinking you then decide to call it a night and you started to walk back to you room and you then saw a dark figure coming towards you, it was to dark to see but you notice the cape he was wearing "wings of freedom"you said.

And soon you saw who it was,
It was captain Erwin! You salut
He walks past you like you was never there.

You didn't really care you just walked back to your room and you fell asleep

~~~~~ five years later~~~~~
You woke up in shock it was morning so you decided to get up, today was the day, the day where you choose what your going to do.

"Well I'm in the top ten" you mumbled to yourself. you talk to yourself a lot, because you don't really trust people.

You get into your uniform and clean your room (your kinda a clean freak 😉)making sure every thing is in the right places.

You get some bread as you wasn't that hungry. You was was thinking who to join.
-military police
-survey corps
You knew what you wanted to do, but your nervous,
You wanted to join the military police so you could see eiji again. But there was something changing you mind

I hope this was longer I will write longer if you want just say but thanks for reading don't worry I'm writing the next chapter now

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