Chapter 26 ~ what!

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After the confusion of the white flare you decide to go deeper in the forest

"The finish line is right at the end of the forest" you sigh "what's next" you full a creepy smile

Erwin's point of view

I was talking to Eren about the plan for him blocking the wall with the bolder but my confiscation was soon interrupted, as I saw the white flare

"W-what!?" Eren said "she's already taken out Hanges squad" he said with worry in his voice

I jut nod

"I guess she has" but I smirk

'She must be strong'

" but She'll have to face mikes group, get the medical team to pick up Hanges team"

"Eren get your team to join mike"

(Y/n)s point of view

You flying once again through the forest keeping you full attention on your surroundings.

"He really is testing me" you mumble

You then see something in your right eye using your night vision/x ray

'Theres something up there'

It didn't move

You smirk and take a sudden right, swinging around the tree behind the girl crouching on a branch.

"Think you can hide" you say as you kick her off the branch making her scream

She landed on the ground surprisingly still alive, but out cold

You didn't want to waist time, you started looking for the blue flag

A group of about ten came out of no where, you struggled to dodge them.

You turn around and saw there faces but not letting them see yours

It was your hole training squad

' I can't hurt them ' you thought

But turn the the direction you was facing
But you shook your head
"It's there fault for messing with me" you whisper

'Il take them out one by one' you thought

Starting with the weakest

You saw krista

You smirked as she came up behind you,
You saw a tree about five seconds away from you.

Eren point of view

I had my team chasing after this mysterious girl.

for some reason krista flew right behind her but I smirked

'She Doesn't see the tree in front of her' I told myself

When she was about five seconds away from slamming into the tree she pushed if the tree doing a backflip behind krista

Kicking her into the trunk of the tree

"KRISTA" yimr screamed as the blond hairs girl fell

She jumped down after her but before she could get to krista the secret girl flew and cut her wires.

(Y/n)s point of view

You smile as you cut yimrs wires you watched her fall and stayed still with your wires left and right of you hooked on a tree.

You looked around at the shocked team

"YOU MONSTER!!" Jean screamed

His words hit you like a bolder

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