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Hange left the room with a huge smile on her face, but you was very existed for tomorrow as you was thinking about it, there was a loud knock on the door

"State your name a business"levi calls
"Eiji (l/n) from the military police sir!"
Your heart dropped
"Come in" levi shouts
As soon as the boy opens the door you sprint and tackle him to the floor
"E-eiji" you cry hugging him
"(Y/n)?" He said a little confused
"It's been so long" you told him
He then realised who you was
"Wait (y/n) what are you doing here?"
"Uh-um" levi coughed
You got up
"What is it that you want"levi asked

"Well the military would like to let you know that your new supplies will be coming in the next two weeks" eiji said

"Oh thanks" levi said "you may go"
Eiji saluted and whispers "il write to you" and he walked off.
You smiled

'He's safe'
You thought to yourself, you decided it was time to call it a night as your walking down the hall you get tapped on the shoulder you turn around and see levi.

"Meet me in my office in five Minuets"and walked off
You sigh you really did wanna get some sleep but you walk to his office sulking you knock on the door.
"Come in" he shouts
You walk in a sit on the same chair you sat on before
"starting tomorrow"he began "you will train with me"
You was confused "why,sir?"
"Please call me levi"he said "also you may be strong but your not strong enough"
You was offended by his words but ignored it
"Why thanks levi"it still felt strange calling him by his name
"So tomorrow after your done with Hange" he said with cold eyes "dismissed"

You got up from your seat, and walk out the door slowly shutting it behind you, you.

You sigh as you walk to your room as your about to walk in Petra sneaks behind you "hey (y/n)!" You jump "what did shorty want?"

"Nothing" you said, you was too tired to say anything

"Was he cute?" He asked

"What! , No" you answer slightly turning red "I'm a fighter, not a lover"

Petra smiled and sighed "Levi's just...."
"Amazing" you cringe at her words
"Well sweet dreams" you said as you watch at Petra zone out

You sort out your hair and get into your night stuff and climbed into bed

<._.~___time skip___~._.>

You just finish your experiment with Hange (four long hours wasted) you don't really care about learning about them you. just wanted to kill them

You was now walking Levi's office
When you arrived you knocked two times on the door

To your surprise it opened
"Your late"you hear his cold voice say
You walked in not saying anything
"Let's start" as he said as he threw a punch from behind, you moved to the side, dodging it

"Wow you really are fast"he said and smirked
You tern pink as he said this, but he caught you off guard and swiped you off your feet, making you fall to the ground

You stopped day dreaming and got up, you punched him round the head and you got a kick in the stomach in return.
You was fighting him for about a hour
When you finally fell to the floor exhausted.
"L-levi" you pant "can we have a break for two minutes"
"Tch" he replied
You got up off the floor but tripped
You close you eyes ready to hit the floor but when you opened your eyes you was in Levi's arms.

He picked you up ,bridal style,and put you on the couch.
"Would you like a drink?"he asked
"Oh, yes please"you answer, forgetting what just happened
But levi then takes off his cravet and undos his top button
"What are you looking at, brat"he said sharply
"Oh nothing"you said taking you attention away from him and sipped at you glass of water.

You then got back to fighting, with your energy back you threw punches and kicks some hit some he dodged.

You then feel the wall behind you , you've been cornered.
Levi then pushes his body against you breathing down your neck witch sent shivers down your spine.
You punched him in the stomach in witch case he head butted you and you drop to the floor knocked out

._. Hehe
I hope you are enjoying this
If you are please say
But I'm sorry if I've been writing really short.

I'm sorry 😔 but there's just not enough hours in the day
But I will write again as soon as possible ;) but

don't worry the lemon is coming soon
Chill .-.

Bye !!

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