Chapter 48 ~ it cant be?!

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'Where am I??' You thought

"Your dead" a low voice said bluntly

You looked around the 'room' it was just a never ending of white.

You was wearing a gold robe with a white belt.

"Really?" You said and then you remembered Levi and what happened in the roof.

"Oh yeah" you said looking at your feet "I remember"

"So where am I?" You asked

"Your in the, what we call 'path', this is where we decide if you 'die' or if you can return to your body" the low voice said

"Oh" you said "where's my body?" You asked randomly

"Il show you" the low voice said again

A hole formed In Front of you

You saw a row of body's, they were all wrapped in bloody blankets.

'Oh that's me' you thought

You saw Levi kneeling next to your body, holding your wings of freedom badge.

You felt a wave of guilt wash over.

"He looks so sad" you said

You then saw Eren walk up to Levi

There was no sound, so you couldn't hear what they was saying.

But you saw Eren kneel beside you and pull the blanket slightly showing the face of the person underneath.

When he saw you, lying there peacefully he froze.

••• erens point of view •••

I felt weak from turning into a Titan, but I saw Levi kneeling next to a body.

'Please tell me no one from our squad died!' I thought

I limped my way to Levi. once I arrived I kneeled next to the body.

"Is it someone from our squad?" I questioned with worry

Levi shook his head

"May I have a look" I asked with hesitation

He didn't answer, I leaned slightly and pulled the blanket showing the face.

When I saw who it was I froze.

I couldn't move, or say anything.

I just looked at her peaceful face.

-flash back because why not ;)-

"Eren?" (Y/n) asked "because I've turned ten, that means I'm getting older"

I nod

"What happens to people when they die?"

I was a little shocked at he sudden question
"I-I dunno" I said

"My mother said its like falling asleep, but you don't wake up" she said

"That sounds about right" I said looking into her (e/c) eyes

"So because I'm older then you, I'm going to die before you" she said

I didn't say anything
"So when I die, you'll bury me right?"

"If you want" I said

"Thanks" she said

- end of flashback -

I clenched my fists

"I didn't want you to die this way" I mumbled.

( back to your point of view )

The hole disappeared

"As I was checking your life, it seems your a Titan whisper?" The low voice said

You nod

"I haven't seen one of those in 500 years"

You didn't say anything

"And it looks like you have learned to control it"

You nod

There was a moment of silence

"We have never done this before, but you seem to have a chance of returning to your body"

"Really?!" You said

"I've made my mind up" the low voice said "I shall be sending you back"


Have no idea what happened

But hey

*hands cookie*

Till next time


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