Chapter 21 ~ survay corps

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It's been a four months since you have started your new life

And it's been peaceful, you lived happily in your cave and you made very close friends with the titans.

You always tried to forget about the human world but you couldn't

You always looked at the pretty silver chain bracelet that levi gave to you.

You never took that bracelet off, it meant too much to you.

You may hate the human world but there was one thing that you missed terribly, that was the love of your life.

(Y/n) point of view

You sigh as you play with the bracelet "I miss you" you mumble

It was snowing outside it was the start if December

In fact it was the 23 of December

All the titans had left to go 'hibernate' as it got dark early

And as you know titans are in active at dark/night time

You sat on a rock as you started eating a pice of deer, that you hunted not to long ago

You loved the taste if raw blood and flesh
But you promised yourself never to eat human.

You looked outside at the snowflakes
and remembered something
"Levi's birthday is coming up soon"

But you shook your head at the thought
"I don't belong there"

But you started fighting yourself
"But it levi" you said

You sat for a while thinking but you grabbed your bag once again and set off

You grabbed your gear, that still had gas in it

And flew through the trees

You reached the end if the forest and had the walk the rest if the way

After about 3 hours of walking you finally reached the huge wall

You used your gear to get over the wall

As you landed in the village you pulled the hood of your cape over your head as it covered your face with a shadow.

You knew where you was going
You walked down the cold street and came across a small village house.

And knocked three times on the door and you heard a woman's voice shout
"Honey could you get that"
You heard running through the door

The door opened and your heart stopped
"Um who are you?" The male voice said
You slowly took down your hood
"(Y/n)!!!" The male shouts as he hugs you

"Hi eiji" you said softly
"Please come in your freezing"
You walked into the warm house

And see a young lady sitting on a rocking chair holding a little baby in her hands

but you took your attention back to your older brother

He hugged you once again
"Where have you been" he asked
"Your so dirty and your hairs a mess"

"Don't worry about it" you smile "I was wondering if I could stay for three days"

He smiled "of course please stay, wait till I tell every one your back"

"Wait eiji, please don't" you looked at your feet "please I don't want any one to know I'm back"

He looked at you "well we can talk about it later" he took your bag "but you need a bath" he teased

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