Chapter 36 ~ wind

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The wind blew in your direction, every one was looking at you.

You quick reactions kicked in as your hood blew down.

You rubbed you feet on the gravel under you at a inhuman pace causing dust to form.

You lifted your hood up, and the dust cleared

They didn't see anything

"Thanks god" you mumble
Hange looked rather annoyed

You smirk under the hood as you walked away.

You walk to Eren
"That was close" he said
You just shrug
"lets go get you cleaned up" he grabs your hand.

You nod

He takes you to HIS room
he locks the door, you sit on the end of the bed and pull your hood down, showing your bloody face.

He looks worried
"I'm surprised he didn't knock you out" he said wiping your face.

"I've had worst" you say
But wiper when he touches a cut on the side of your face

Eren just shakes his head
"Your mad"

You smile a creepy smile and make your pupils go small and your eyes red and sharpen your teeth
"What makes you think that"

Eren laughs
You make yourself normal and laugh with him.

But he then saids "next time fight him"

You sigh "I can't"
"Why?" He smirks
You turn a little red

Eren starts dancing round the room like a little kid

(Y/n) and levi
Kissing in the tree

"Stop" you punch him playfully

He ruffles your hair
"You do what you want"

You smile
"Well I better get going" you say as you get up from the bed.

But your mind blanks and you fall back, you try to grab something but you end up grabbing erens shirt taking him down with you.

You land on the bed but Eren was on top of you with his arms on the side of your head.

You blush a little
You felt erens breath on your neck
But he gets off you quickly
He scratches the back if his neck

You just smile
You pull your hood up and then left the room quickly

All you did for the rest of the day was clean.

Well it was spring break tomorrow

You didn't really know what to do, you could go see your brother but you didn't want to give yourself away.

But as you was mopping the floor of the mess hall you thought

'Why do I hide under this hood?'
'Am I afraid?'

You shook off the thought and just kept cleaning

"I guess il just stay here for spring break" you whisper to yourself


IM so sorry I didn't update yesterday ahhhhh

So to make it up to you I'm gunna try I do the next chapter tonight
So you guys are happy


So yeah ......

Till next time

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