Chapter19~ new start

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Levi's point of view

I walked to the mess hall with my squad behind me and I sat where I usually sit

I saw the new wall that (y/n) fixed
I sigh as I sit down
Petra, Gunter, eld, oluo sat down with me.

I could hear Hange screaming
"Tch" I said "can she ever be silent"
Petra giggled

She always giggles it drives me nuts

I then heard Hange say something I hoped wasn't true

she ran into the mess hall angry
"What are you talking about four eyes" I said angrily

"Don't ask me ask him" she points at Erwin sobbing

Erwin came in calmly had made himself comfy he sat at the end of the table where (y/n) usually sits.

"(Y/n) has returned back to her training group and will not be returning to this hq"

Hange ran out the room crying

The rest of my team sighed in relief

"Very well" I said holding my emotions
The one I love will never see me again

I got up from my seat to go to my office to let my anger out on paper work
As I walked in my office I went and sat down at my desk.

And in front of me was a note full of neat hand writing
I read the note
Dear levi,

Sorry for all the pain I gave you and sorry for not saying goodbye, I think by the time you find this note il already be gone

Thank you for making me happy every time I was sad.
But I want you to forget about me and pretend you never knew me

I love you and goodbye


The note even smelled like he Perfume
"Why" I hugged the note
But I neatly folded it and put it on the side

Your point of view

You was about five minutes away from the training grounds that you was before.

You arrive at the building that you recognised so well

Here's you new uniform
You saw the two swards and the shield
You took your cape off and the jacket with the wings of freedom and traded it for the new one.

You watched as he disappeared with your memories and you followed a boy to your new room.

You walked into the new area
"Hurry up training starts in a hour"
You nod and start to unpack.

The room was much smaller then your old one and the bed was no where near as comfy.

But you just sighed and unpacked
After a hour of unpacking and a lot of cleaning

You finally made it out side to the training ground the first thing that you saw was
Eren, armin,mikasa lined up taking orders

You joined the line and happened to be next to jean
He looked at you
"(Y/n)!" He whisper shouted
"Hi" you whispered back smiling
"What are you doing here"

"Don't worry about it" you answered

You both stopped talking and heard the commander ordering us to get in the partners for hand in hand combat.

Jean left with his partner
And the only person without a partner was mikasa.

You walk to her and smile
Her face shocked to see you
"You wanna be my partner" you smiled

You then hear feet running towards you
and four arms warped around
You look and see armin and Eren hugging you tightly.

"Hi guys" you said calmly
"(Y/n) we missed you" Eren said
"Why have you come back"armin asked

You sigh as they broke the hug
"Il tell you about it later" you told them "but right now I'm about to fight mikasa"

Eren laughs "there's no way you can beat her she's too strong"
You smile a evil smile "you wanna bet"

"Sure" he said "mikasa is gunna win"
People started to crowd around betting on mikasa and telling you you made a wrong mistake fighting her.

You just smiled
"Let's get started then"
Mikasa nodded

She got in her fighting stance, you got in yours, you have been training with levi for ages now so you knew a few tricks

But you wasn't gunna loose

'Just this once' you told yourself

And let your eyes go red but no one saw they just watched mikasa.

Your strength got stronger and your speed got faster

You heard the referee shout

You ran towards mikasa very fast
You punched her in the chest making her fly back

She didn't know how strong you was
She got up and tried to punch you, you dodged it swiftly and swept her of her feet.

You took a few steps back letting her get up, she got up once again and tried to kick you round the head.

But you grabbed her leg and started spinning getting faster, you finally let go sending her flying across the floor.

She was dizzy so she couldn't walk strait she tried running at you but you kicked he it the side off the head, knocking her out.

You made your eyes go normal
You looked at mikasa out cold on the ground and looked at the crowd of people.

You smile as two boys pick mikasa up
And take her away

"No way" you heard people whispering

"She so strong"you heard someone else say

You look at Eren shocked at what he just saw
You laugh and walk up to him
"How was that" you smile


Just a really small chapter for you

I don't really know how to add anything else but I'm getting ideas

Till next time


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