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The alley Wilbur was running through was wet. It smelled like a combination of the rain that had poured the night before and the garbage cans that lined the sides of it.

His fur was soaked and sticking up in odd directions from his attempts to dry himself, but he didn't care. He had more important things to worry about.

Once he reached the end of the alley he looked around to see if anyone was coming down the street before taking off across the street.

He looked up at the large house in front of him.

It was a two-story that was painted a pale blue color with white accents. The front yard was decorated with primroses, stocks, red chrysanthemums, and gypsophila.

He walked around to the side where the large privacy fence started. He walked until he found the hole he had dug underneath it nearly two months ago. He crawled underneath it, being careful not to get his underside too muddy.

He walked to the back porch and was getting ready to jump onto the windowsill above him when he heard a noise behind him.

He turned, ready to run or even fight if it was needed.

He relaxed when he saw that it was just Dream.

'What are you doing?' The golden retriever asked, despite already knowing.

Wilbur stared at him tentatively before speaking hesitantly. 'I'm here to see George.'

'So you're gonna risk falling from the second story of a house?' He asked, voice teasing.

'If that's what it takes to see him, then yes.'

Dream let out a laugh. 'My god, you are so fucking sappy. And people say cats don't feel love!' He cooed mockingly.

Wilbur bristled. He was getting ready to retort when a soft voice reached his ears.

'Dream? Who are you talking to?'

Both boys turned to look at the source of the voice and saw a smaller, cream-colored cat.

He was leaning against the doggy door. His fur was slightly messy, but not to the extent that Wilbur's was.

The baby blue bow that was tied against his neck was askew.

That combined with his sleepy eyes and languid movements were enough to tell Wilbur that the other cat had probably just awoken from a nap.

'I'm just talking to your boyfriend.' Dream said, voice teasing.

'What?' George asked before moving to look around the back porch.

His eyes widened when he caught sight of Wilbur.

'Wilbur!' He exclaimed, running the rest of the way out of the house and jumping onto a small box that was underneath the railing Wilbur was standing on.

'Gogy!' He called back softly with a fond voice.

He jumped down to sit on the box next to George.

Almost immediately, the other cat was circling him excitedly. He was rubbing himself against Wilbur's sides, purring furiously.

'Hey, baby.' Wilbur whispered as George tucked himself underneath his chin and began rubbing their cheeks together.

They stayed like for a while.; George rubbing against the larger cat and Wilbur accepting the affection, both of them purring loudly.

Suddenly George pulled away with a soft gasp.

'Hold on! I have something for you.' With that George took off, jumping off the box and running back into the house.

As Wilbur watched George run, he noticed that Dream had gone back inside as well.

He sat outside for about a minute before George returned.

When he did, he was holding something in his jaw.

George jumped back onto the box and carefully placed the object in front of the other cat. He used his nose to gently nudge it closer to Wilbur.

'What's this, Georgie?' 'It's one of the treats my owners give me. I figured you could use it more than me.'

Wilbur looked between George and the treat, feeling awestruck.

He began to eat the treat, opting to lay down as he filled his starving belly.

God, it felt like it had been so long since his last meal. He was so hungry and being able to finally eat something that wasn't out of the garbage felt amazing.

As he ate, he felt George lay down next to him. The other cat began grooming him, licking at the sides of his neck and top of his head.

They remained like that until Wilbur finished his treat, at which point he curled up around George.

As he slipped off to sleep he could feel George still grooming him, except he had moved to his under neck and chest.

Wilbur had never, in his entire life, thought he'd be this happy and content.

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