[Chapter 19]

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Night had fallen on Gondolia. The torches lit up along the streets, creating a warm glow over the stone floors and cozy houses as everyone had long retired back into their homes for the night.

Well, mostly everyone.

After the Helidorians' sudden appearance and the battle between the knights and the Luminary and her trusted partner, Signor Universo was shut down as Jasper commanded his men to patrol the town in search for the girl. The blonde knight's sharp tongue and oozing charisma was convincing enough to influence the people to retreat into the safety of their homes after the "vile Darkspawn had entered their beloved town".

Nobody trusted Freya nor her travelling companions after Jasper's performance and the four were forced to slink in the shadows, jumping from alley to alley to escape being seen by one of Jasper's men. It wasn't until they were sure that they wouldn't be found behind some crates off the dock did the team finally catch a chance to breathe.

"Looks like we're safe for now. We were lucky to get out of there, you know..." Sylvando whispered, carefully peering out into the streets. Syvando watched a knight turn round a corner, not giving their direction a passing glance before he slid back into his spot once more.

"Not all of us made it out..." Freya mumbled, speaking for the first time since Erik's capture. Her hands curled into fists and her features scrunched in anger, something the rest of the party had never seen on the girl before. Despite travelling with her for a month or so—about a little over a week for the performer—the Luminary rarely showed a hint of rage. Sure, she often scolded Veronica and Erik when they got into fights, but she was never actually angry. But seeing the expression on the girl only clued in how much the thief meant to her. "Dammit! If only I saw the attack...Then Erik wouldn't have..."

"Oh, don't worry, sweetie—Erik's tougher than he looks..." The older man comforted, reaching over to place a kind hand on the girl's fists. When he saw some of the fury ease away from her eyes, Sylvando let out a sigh with furrowed brows. "That Jasper was talking some nonsense though, eh? I mean—why call the one who's trying to beat the Dark One the Darkspawn? Honey, that's just confusing!"

"She isn't really the Darkspawn—that's just what the King of Heliodor thinks. It's all some terrible misunderstanding!" Serena piped up, regret filling her violet eyes. Her lips pursed into a frown as she stared at the jester. "I'm ever so sorry, Sylvando—we should have explained all this to you earlier, but well...so much has been going on..."

"Oh, please! There's no need to apologise, darling! Darkspawn, indeed—as if a lovely little thing like you would go around with someone like that!" Sylvando scoffed, waving his hand with a light smile. The way his eyes shined with sincerity as he looked at the three girls made them feel extremely grateful to have met the man in Gallopolis.

"Oh, Sylvando..." Veronica crooned, her lips pulling back into the sweetest smile. The man let out a small chuckle before striking a majestic pose. He swiveled his head to shoot a wink towards his companions.

"Now, are we going to stand around here all night, or are we going to take action, huh? Let's sneak up to that bridge in the middle of town and see if we can spot where they're keeping Erik," The performer explained, raising a finger to his lips. "Be quiet as mice now, and use the buildings for cover—the streets are crawling with soldiers!"

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